Foreclosure Mill Employees Dressed Up In Costumes Mocking Foreclosed Homeowners

What do the employees at a foreclosure mill – a law firm that aggressively pursues massive numbers of foreclosures, even against homeowners in the middle of working out a mortgage mod – dress up for Halloween? Well at one joint, last year they dressed up as homeless former homeowners and as the corpse of a lawyer who filed a class action lawsuit against them, according to photos sent to the New York Times.
The photos, sent by an anonymous inside source, were said to be of last year’s Halloween office party. Another photo shows how employees had decorated their rows of cubicles to look like foreclosed houses.
“My source told me that not every Baum department used the party to make fun of the troubled homeowners they made their living suing,” wrote Joe Nocera for the New York Times. “But some clearly did.”
The company gave the NYT a statement which read, “It has been suggested that some employees dress in … attire that mocks or attempts to belittle the plight of those who have lost their homes… Nothing could be further from the truth.” The statement continued by saying the reporter’s column was “another attempt by The New York Times to attack our firm and our work.”
No photos were yet available of this year’s Halloween party.
What the Costumes Reveal [NYT] (Thanks to simonvii!)
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