In the last few years, Starbucks has significantly expanded its repertoire of breakfast and lunch foods other than pastries. What it hasn’t been able to do is figure out a consistent way to donate all of those salads and sandwiches so that they don’t go to waste. Founder and CEO Howard Schultz announced today in an interview that this is going to change. [More]
food waste

Why Bagged Salads End Up In Landfills Instead Of Compost Piles
When food is past its prime and leaves the distributor or supermarket, where does it go? We’d like to think that it all ends up in a compost pile or anaerobic digester, which at least re-purposes the food and the methane it gives off while decomposing to fertilize future crops and to generate electricity. Here’s one sad exception: bagged salads. [More]

Seattle Will Start Charging $1 Compost Fee For Too Much Food Waste In The Trash
The residents of Seattle will soon be busy staring intently into their trash cans. Or at least that’s what I’d be doing if I lived there, because the Seattle City Council just okayed a new rule that amounts to $1 fines for anyone chucking away too much food waste or compostable paper products. [More]

Grocery Store Runs On Electricity Generated By Its Own Food Waste
It’s the ciiiiiiircle, the circle of life, but instead of a cartoon lion there’s a grocery store running on electricity generated by the same food waste that store creates. More recycling, fewer anthropomorphic talking animals, but it’s a circle… of science. [More]

Man Bikes 3,000 Miles Across Europe, Eating Only What He Can Salvage
Riding a bike 3,000 miles sounds daunting enough, but one man added an extra element of discomfort into his already arduous journey but decided to eat only what he could salvage from the garbage along his chosen route. The whole idea behind his effort is to call attention to the problem of food waste in Europe, he says. [More]

Want To Help Curb Food Waste? Start Eating Fish Heads
At first, reading words like “oozed with sizzling fat” or “extra-tender meat” conjures up a tempting culinary event. But what if those words were linked with “fish heads”? That kind of dining experience is what many experts say could be a key component to reducing the world’s food waste. Yes, eating fish heads. [More]

USDA Report: We’re Wasting 141 Trillion Calories Of Food Every Year
The next meal where you fail to join The Clean Plate Club, just remember this number: 141 trillion calories. That’s how much food the United States Department of Agriculture says Americans are wasting every year — about 1,249 calories per person, per day. [More]