
(Aero Icarus)

Flight’s Inaugural Journey Delayed After Firefighters Accidentally Spray Plane With Foam

Picture this: You’re all hyped up and ready to fly across the ocean as part of an airline’s inaugural journey to a destination across the ocean, everyone is cheering, the excitement is building and then suddenly foam is spraying everywhere. Celebration over, and you’re forced to wait a night to get off the ground. Delays are annoying, yes, but rarely are they caused by celebrating firefighters pressing the wrong button. [More]

How Much Head Is Too Much Head?

How Much Head Is Too Much Head?

Living in Ireland, I think it’s safe to say that I am the Consumerist’s resident alcoholic and therefore beer expert. Ben, on the other hand, is the resident expert on telling homeless people to ‘Get a job!’, squirting small children in the face with the Oozinator and stealing AOL Customer Retention Manuals from dumpsters.