When buckling in for an hours-long flight, travelers might choose to pass the time by reading a book, listening to music or enjoying a few television shows or a movie via the in-flight services connection. While those are all viable options, the latter is typically only available under certain circumstances. But one woman says that wasn’t made clear, and now she’s suing United Airlines for $5 million. [More]

In Which An $8 In-Flight Video Charge Led To A $5M Class Action Lawsuit Against United Airlines

Southwest Airlines Sued Over Death Of Passenger
The widow of a California man who died hours after experiencing a medical emergency onboard a Southwest Airlines flight last year filed a lawsuit against the airline claiming the crew members failed to provide adequate medical attention after the man collapsed in the plane’s lavatory. [More]

Southwest Bucks The Trend, Plans To Actually Widen Seats On New Planes
Flying on a Southwest Airlines flight in 2016 might be a bit more comfortable for some customers used to cramped spaces: The airline unveiled a new seating structure for its upcoming planes that gives consumers an extra half-inch of seat width. [More]

Frontier’s New Reservation System Proving To Be A Headache For Travelers
There are bound to be a few hiccups when a company changes software for a program that is integral to business. But customers say the transition for Frontier Airlines’ new reservation system has been full of turbulence. [More]

Passenger Rights Group Calls For Cap To Airline Change Fees For International Flights
Under certain circumstances – like significant weather events – airlines allow passengers to change their travel plans at no extra cost.But generally travelers can expect to pay upwards of hundreds of dollars to revise their travel plans. Now a group of passenger rights advocates are asking U.S. regulators to adopt a more reasonable change fee cap of $100 for international flights. [More]

JetBlue, Virgin Atlantic Now Stream College Course Lectures 30,000 Feet In The Air
Each day there a thousands of opportunities for you to expand your mind. And that includes while you’re essentially held captive in a seat with little leg room, flying 30,000 feet in the air. No, we’re not talking about the usual flight safety and etiquette lessons shoved down our throats while traveling, we’re talking about JetBlue and Virgin Atlantic’s newly launched initiative to stream college course lectures during flights. [More]

Delta Revamps Seating Options; Offers Complimentary Alcohol To Main Cabin On Select Flights
Purchasing a plane ticket used to be a pretty straightforward endeavor with consumers having to choose between first-class or economy seating. If wasn’t apparent that those days were long gone, it might be now that Delta Air Lines has turned the whole airplane seating arrangement and offerings on its head with five options to choose from. [More]

AT&T Cancels Plan To Build In-flight Internet Service To Compete With Gogo
Just six months after AT&T announced it would soon begin work to build a network to offer high-speed in-flight WiFi, the wireless carrier say it’s abandoning those plans. [More]

Spirit’s Own Survey Confirms What We Already Knew: People Hate The Airline
Back in July, Spirit Airlines announced its “hug the haters” campaign which included an invitation for consumers to share just what they hate about flying with the airline and others operating in the United States. And, as it turns out, travelers don’t exactly want to hug Spirit back. [More]

Southwest To Start Flying Some Planes With Biofuels Made From Forest Waste As Early As 2016
Over the years there have been a number of fuel alternatives proven to power vehicles: from cooking oil to solar panels. Still we weren’t exactly prepared for planes that fly on forest remnants. But apparently it’s possible and Southwest plans to implement the use of those biofuels in at least some flights as soon as 2016. [More]

Serial Stowaway Strikes Again, Apprehended At LAX Three Days After Last Arrest
Multiple arrests, restraining orders and bans from airports just aren’t enough to keep a serial stowaway from trying to snag a plane seat. A woman arrested Monday at LAX after hopping a Southwest flight from San Jose was arrested yet again Thursday for wandering the airport without a ticket. [More]

Three Cocktails Hacks You Can Prepare On The Fly In Mid-Air
Not willing to settle for a lackluster Bloody Mary from the airline drink cart? You don’t have to. We’re not all expert mixologists and there’s a distinct lack of fancy shmancy cocktails options when you’re flying, but luckily there are smarter people out there with all the right answers. Check out three cocktail hacks anyone can use to spice things up in mid-air. [Bon Appetit] [More]

More Rest For Pilots Could Mean Fewer Flights For Travelers
Fewer pilots and longer resting requirements could be trouble for regional airlines. The issues that grounded hundreds of JetBlue flights this week could be just the start after new FAA regulations on rest for pilots went into effect Saturday. [More]

Yes, There’s A Study About Passing Gas On Planes: Let It Rip, Unless You’re The Pilot
There are studies these days about everything — whether your right hand ever gets mad at your left, if the grass really is greener on the other side, etc. — so of course there’s one about farting on airplanes. Our apologies if we’ve offended your sense of delicacy, but hey, we all do it. Anyway, if you’re a passenger, the study says you should let it rip. But pilots might be better off holding it in, lest their malodorous emissions pose a safety risk. [More]