The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are a band of brave retail explorers who comb the world’s big-box stores in search of retail antiquities at comically high prices. They carefully excavate clearance racks in order to find the most ancient pieces of technology available. In this set of field notes, Raiders report finding a fast-food promotional game, an obsolete camera from a defunct company, and a wireless adapter from a TiVo of generations past. [More]

Cisco Shutters Flip Cameras Forever
Two years ago, Cisco spent nearly $600 million to acquire the company that makes Flip video cameras. Apparently that was a mistake, because the networking biggie announced earlier today that it will be shuttering its Flip division as it faces increased competition from video-capable smartphones. [More]

Even Best Buy Employees Hate Best Buy Employees
Turns out that even some Best Buy employees can’t put up with other blue and black shirts at their store. Recently my wife and I were in a Best Buy to procure a last-minute rechargeable battery for my wife’s Flip camera. It was suitably impromptu as it was to tape an improv show. Anywho, we wanted to make sure the battery pack we found on the shelf was compatible with the generation of device we had and after bouncing around from employee to employee we were eventually directed to a fellow in the camera department who seemed out of place. [More]