
Decide Your Next Camera Purchase With Flickr's Camera Finder

Decide Your Next Camera Purchase With Flickr's Camera Finder

Flickr’s “Camera Finder” feature is a good tool to help you decide on your next camera purchase.

Consumerist Pool's Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Pool's Friday Flickr Finds

Wow. You guys take some nice pictures. Here’s a few from our Flickr pool – where readers upload images for possible use in our posts – that caught our eye.

Jump In Our Flickr Pool

Jump In Our Flickr Pool

Within two days of launch, our Flickr pool has grown to 90 members and 314 photos. That makes us really happy. We’ve already used a bunch in some our recent posts. We look forward to drawing upon the pool for future posts and throwing back some link love to the talented photographers. We’ve even submitted a chunk of photos ourselves.

Introducing the Consumerist Flickr Photo Pool

Introducing the Consumerist Flickr Photo Pool

On the heels of our lack of competence in attributing credit to Flickr photos comes the Consumerist Flickr Photo Pool. Believe it or not, we’ve been wanting/planning to do this for a long time. Why? The things we write on Consumerist are about the consumer landscape. Our tips come from you, and we want our photos to come from you as well. So, assuming you’ve forgiven us our trespasses, let us lead you now into our Flickr group. What do we need?

Sorry, Flickr

We are a jerkface.

Look At Our Flickr Faves

Image redacted.

Red States Lose: Gallery Of Walmart’s Beautiful People

Red States Lose: Gallery Of Walmart’s Beautiful People

UPDATE: Do be sure to read, “That Walmart Photo Gallery Was Pretty Tasteless.”

Join Us On Wesabe

Join Us On Wesabe

Wesabe is one of those crafty community-based web 2.0 sites that is both helpful and intuitive. Why is the Consumerist telling you about it? Because it’s about your money and how you spend it. According to Cory Doctorow (of BoingBoing, and who also sits on Wesabe’s Advisory Board):

Yo Quiero Your Stolen Cellphone

Although not as deliciously trashy as the infamous How Not To Steal A Sidekick story of June, we can glean a few interesting details about the criminals who stole the Practicalist’s cell phone and then inadvertently uploaded their snapshots to his Flickr account.

Pummeled by’s Plogs

Pummeled by’s Plogs

On the internet, your sins are eternally extant.

David Hasselhoff Trades in Knight for Pepsi Cap, Rides

David Hasselhoff Trades in Knight for Pepsi Cap, Rides

How do you like your Pepsi-Cola? How about David Hasselhoff? This asexually lascivious image leered at Flickr user ‘Downunder Dan’ from atop an Australian billboard and he was compelled to share it with us. Thanks, Dan! Now we can gouge our eyes out in peace and replace them with K.I.T.T’s array of futuristic crime sensors.