
Angry Customer Sets Walgreens On Fire

Attention: This technique is not in the Consumerist Kit. Do not set the Walgreens on fire. Apparently the dispute was over correct change and she used a lit cigarette to start the blaze. —MEGHANN MARCO

ElmoTMX On Fire

More videos as they keep burning the Elmo, inside. For ultimate effect, play all at the same time.

Explodeproof Battery Production Spikes

Explodeproof Battery Production Spikes

Matsushita announced plans to mass-produce a laptop battery that won’t explode.

Shoppers Continue Shopping As Mall Burns

No one needs to die for designer discounts.

Exploding Laptop Caught On Film

They try to test the heat using a remote thermometer (like the one mentioned in today’s Morning Deals) but the temp is so high, the instrument gives an error code. This means the temperature was over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Have You Immolated A Ford Dealership Lately?

(Thanks to ca choppers!)

Sony Recalls Practically Every Battery In The World

Sony Recalls Practically Every Battery In The World

Dells exploding. Apples melting scrotums. Now Lenovos conflagrant. And it’s all apparently over pesky Sony batteries.

Another Laptop Recall, Thanks to Sony Batteries

Another Laptop Recall, Thanks to Sony Batteries

Dell, Apple, and IBM laptops have been catching fire, creating new forms of airport entertainment and providing golden material for bloggers worldwide. Today, we move beyond the Flammable Three, thanks to Toshiba. The company is recalling 340,000 laptop batteries.

IBM Joins the Heat Miser Society for Mobile Computing

IBM Joins the Heat Miser Society for Mobile Computing

Fresh on the heels of the growing ban on battery-powered inflight use of Apple and Dell laptops: Add IBM to the list of spontaneously combustible mobile adding machines.

The Fire Was The Easy Part

The Fire Was The Easy Part

Gird Your MacBook’s Fiery Loins

Gird Your MacBook’s Fiery Loins

Plastic Battery Invented!

Plastic Battery Invented!

Engineers at Brown have invented a battery that uses plastic, instead of metal, to conduct electricty. The new device, “marries the power of a capacitor with the storage capacity of a battery.”

Hot Talks With Michael Dell

Hot Talks With Michael Dell

Surely there’s got to be a slightly less unfortunate name for this chat n’ chew.

House Burns, Dell Laptop Blamed

House Burns, Dell Laptop Blamed

The fire that consumed a family of five’s South Venice, Florida bungalow may have been due to a Dell laptop left on a couch that spontaneously erupted into flames.

Even More Flaming Dell Laptops

Even More Flaming Dell Laptops

Hot on the heels of last week’s Dell notebook calling in the firetrucks, a Singapore man tells the Sydney Morning Herald about his self-immolating laptop.

Another Dell Laptop Ablaze!

Another Dell Laptop Ablaze!

Incendiary photo evidence of a Dell laptop fire has thrown an extra log on the fire of Dell’s woes.

Burn Dell Laptop Burn

Burn Dell Laptop Burn

This has been shooting around the net today but here’s a nice confluence between a Dell and the flames of Hell.

Boring Dell Laptop Story Turns Into Inferno!

Boring Dell Laptop Story Turns Into Inferno!

Paul’s email on getting his Dell laptop repaired under warranty is pretty dry for awhile. A top-of-the-line XPS laptop with continuing power and heat issues, necessitating the same repair over and over… a repair which, to Dell’s credit, they have performed pleasantly and competently, once even when the laptop itself is out of warranty.