The community is pulling together in a drought-stricken town where many residents have wells that are drying up: a salon is offering free shampoos, and the local fire department has a new open-spigot policy for anyone in need. [More]
fire department

Fire Department Called To Untangle Girl’s Fingers From Target Shopping Basket
A trip to Target turned into quite the ordeal for a young Michigan girl over the weekend when the local fire department had to be called to unsnarl her fingers from a shopping basket. [More]

Woman Breaks Ankle, Waits 30 Hours For Ambulance In NYC Blizzard
A Brooklyn woman who slipped and broke her ankle on Sunday had to wait 30 hours for the ambulance to show up after she called 911. The blizzard, and the city’s sub-optimal response to clearing it up, left cars and even emergency service vehicles stranded in the snow. [More]
The Magic Fire Department Jacket Of Excellent Customer Service
One great way to get good customer service is to wear fire department gear. Usually my relationship with local merchants is pretty neutral. I give them money, they give me goods and services, and we both go on our ways without too much in the way of exchanging of pleasantries. But recently my EMT buddy gave me a super-comfortable official FDNY sweatjacket (it’s got a zipper, my name on the pocket, a FDNY badge on the left shoulder, an (empty) station badge on the left breast and FDNY stitched in outline on the back) for my birthday and when I wore it to get breakfast, both the bagel guy and the coffee guy were much friendlier than they’ve ever been. I do not in any way condone impersonating emergency workers or law enforcement personnel, I just thought it was interesting to see in person the difference in how stores treated me just based on the jacket I wore. Though, I couldn’t help thinking about wearing it and going back to Commerce Bank and see if they’ve changed their mind about waiving that account inactivity fee…