
10 Ways To Break A Compulsive Spending Habit

10 Ways To Break A Compulsive Spending Habit

“Addictive spending is often rooted in punishing feelings of low self-esteem and problems with impulse control,” says an addiction specialist in an MSNBC special report on compulsive spending. At its worst, it can wreak as much or more damage on your finances as any full-blown gambling, drinking, or drug addiction—and yet, a lot of people still consider it a moral failing that sheer will-power can prevent (just take a look at half the comment threads on this blog for evidence of that mindset). If you’re a compulsive spender, odds are you already know if you have a problem, even if you manage to hide it from everyone else. But here are ten ways to help get a grip on the situation.

New Bill Would Require Banks To Warn You If Your ATM Or Debit Transaction Will Result In An Overdraft Fee

New Bill Would Require Banks To Warn You If Your ATM Or Debit Transaction Will Result In An Overdraft Fee

If you perform an ATM or debit card transaction that results in your account being overdrafted, many banks will now simply authorize the transaction and slap you with an overdraft fee. A new bill, HR946, would “require banks to give consumers a chance to back out of transactions that might cause them to overdraw their checking accounts,” according to the Kansas City Star.

Borrowing From—And Loaning To—Friends And Family

Borrowing From—And Loaning To—Friends And Family

Ah, what an awkward situation—over the phone, or whispered at your desk, or asked face to face over beers at your weekly hangout. What’s the best way to respond when someone you love (or at least like to some degree) wants to borrow money? And what if you’re the one in need? offers some advice on when to loan and when to figure out whether you’re just enabling a bad habit.

4 Strategies To Help You Live Debt Free

4 Strategies To Help You Live Debt Free

“Americans collectively spent more than we earned after taxes for the past two years in a row,” says SmartMoney in their latest cover story, “Live Debt-Free”. Their point: we spend a lot of time thinking about how to save and how to invest, but not enough time working out a healthy debt strategy that doesn’t eat away at our happiness, not to mention our retirement savings. They offer four different strategies for reducing your debt to little or nothing, so that you can apply your income to more worthwhile activities than fighting off your liability monster.

Tips For Shopping At Thrift Stores

Tips For Shopping At Thrift Stores

Sometimes it seems like thrift stores are on the verge of extinction. What used to be a necessity for college students, “alternative” types, artists, and practical moms have mostly been replaced by “super-low prices” at big box stores, or dirt-cheap fashions from retailers like H&M, Steve & Barry’s, or Old Navy. Still, if you’ve got the time and the right attitude, and you’re okay with that vintage/hand-me-down look, you can find some good bargains at thrift stores.

3 Ways To Make Sure Your Pets Are Cared For After You're Gone

3 Ways To Make Sure Your Pets Are Cared For After You're Gone

Earlier this month, the media reported that dead scary lady Leona Helmsley left $12 million to her dog, presumably to ensure that Trouble is well cared for, but also to be humorously cruel to the two grandchildren who got nothing. This inspired USA Today’s “Your Money” columnist Sandra Block to list 3 ways you can plan for your pet’s continued care after you go to “have tea with Mrs. Helmsley” (we don’t want to upset the children in the room).


Do your kids want to learn how to balance their checkbook and understand utility bills? Consider sending the budding Consumerists to money camp!

Seven Tips For Soon-To-Be College Grads

What was the most helpful piece of advice you received after graduating? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Zen Finances: Achieving Peace Of Mind

Zen Finances: Achieving Peace Of Mind

We know we should do this. We try to do this. We never do! This is one we’re going to work on for next month.—MEGHANN MARCO

Hey! Let's Get Divorced!

Hey! Let's Get Divorced!

Finding good, helpful information about divorce and your finances is difficult. The divorce business is big money for lawyers, and it’s sort of a sad topic, so there’s no real motivation for someone to make available a lot of free fun-to-read information about getting divorced.

3 Steps To Take Before Buying A Home

3 Steps To Take Before Buying A Home

Look at you! You’re going to buy a house! Yay! Wait, what should you do to get ready? Bankrate has 3 Steps to Take Before Buying A Home. They are:

Pith & Vinegar

• My wireless network could kick your wireless network’s ass.

Death, Taxes and CSR’s

Reader Matt’s dad recently died. We’re sorry for your loss, Matt. There’s never anything else to say when the life of one we remember as god-like when we were children is ultimately proved as fragile as anyone else’s.

Top 10 Online Banks

Top 10 Online Banks

There’s a swell article up on MSN Money listing the Top 10 Online Banks. If your bank’s on there, you are probably scratching your head and hiccuping “Huh?” over and over again to yourself, incredulous at its presence. But more interesting and less questionable than the list itself is the accompanying article, which details many of the pitfalls consumer’s face when switching over to an online banking solution: