If you’ve been having trouble with Skype today, you aren’t alone: after customers in the U.S., Japan and Europe reported difficulty signing in and making calls, Skype said that a technical issue with the app had caused some people’s online contacts to appear as if they were offline, even when they were signed into Microsoft’s Internet calling service. [More]
feeling glitchy

More Former iPhone Users Suing Apple, Claiming iMessage “Intercepts” Texts Meant For Android Phones
Although Apple has since claimed to have fixed an issue afflicting many former iPhone users, who claimed they failed to receive messages meant for them from friends once they switched to Android phones, yet another group of customers are suing the company, claiming iMessage intercepted their messages. [More]

Nokia Handing Out $100 Credits After It Finds Bug In Lumia Phone
Nokia is super proud of its AT&T Lumia 900, which has seen some pretty strong sales since its debut, but unfortunately there’s already a problem. The company is moving swiftly to counteract a software glitch in the Windows-based phone, and offering anyone who’s already bought the phone a few options to make amends. [More]