
VIDEO: Write In The Shower With Rite-In-The-Rain Notebooks

Using a pencil or a waterproof pen, you can actually write on it underwater. The pages are coated so they never get soggy. The book does get “damp” but it dries off after a while. Your writing stays legible. The book doesn’t dissolve.

Cellphone, Telephone, And Cable Costs Versus Inflation '96-'05

Cellphone, Telephone, And Cable Costs Versus Inflation '96-'05

We made a graph comparing the rate of change in price of cable, telephone, and wireless service to inflation rate from 1996-2005.

Consumerist's 9-Step Beginner's Budget

Consumerist's 9-Step Beginner's Budget

Are you a budget novice? Constantly overdrafting? Never have enough money to buy what you really want? Wish you could get your shit together? We’ve got a sexy free Excel document to share with you.

How To Take Pictures Inside Stores Without Getting Caught

How To Take Pictures Inside Stores Without Getting Caught

How can you take hundreds of pictures inside a store without getting caught? It can be really hard. If you ask for permission, it will be likely be denied. If you’re too conspicuous, someone will say, “No pictures!” and you could get thrown out.

Use Your Phone As A Remote?

Use Your Phone As A Remote?

Usually when people talk about AT&T and Verizon becoming cable operators they spin a bunch of bull about how competition will lower your bill. So far, that isn’t happening. But what happens when the technology comes together? Will you be able to use your cell phone to control your DVR? From the Chicago Tribune:

[AT&T] this week began offering its “Homezone” customers the ability to control their digital video recorders through Web-enabled phones. The interface lets cell phone users schedule or delete recordings on their set-top boxes from anywhere.

ORIGINAL VIDEO: PayPal Security Key First Look

You can get yours from PayPal for $5 here. — BEN POPKEN

Consumerist's Second Job Interview With IDT Energy's Scammy Marketing Firm

Consumerist's Second Job Interview With IDT Energy's Scammy Marketing Firm

The office was decidedly busier on our callback. [Editor’s note: this material was written prior to today.] One person was being interviewed while another waited next to us on the sofa. More at ease, we enjoyed our second look at the office. The waiting room walls were covered with pictures of the Empire State and Chrysler buildings. “Bigger. Better.” or something like that. The receptionist had a giant stack of papers on her desk and was busy on the phone as pop music blared in the background….

Consumerist's Job Interview With IDT Energy's Scammy Marketing Firm

Consumerist's Job Interview With IDT Energy's Scammy Marketing Firm

115 West 30th Street is the unassuming address for an unmemorable building that serves as the headquarters of Midtown Promotions, a “marketing solutions” company that solves markets for IDT. We interviewed with them as part of Consumerist’s continuing efforts to expose IDT’s deceptive practices.

NYC: 911 to Accept Digital Images From Cell Phones

NYC: 911 to Accept Digital Images From Cell Phones

We’re all Batman now. —MEGHANN MARCO

How Banks Freeze Terrorist Founds With A Free, Public, .TXT

A text file. That’s what banks use to freeze the assets of terrorists, drug traffickers, and nuclear weapons dealers. A dot txt downloadable from the U.S. Treasury website.

Cingular Arbitration Escape Script Addendum

Cingular Arbitration Escape Script Addendum

After attempting to use the, “Script For Escaping Cingular Contracts Without Fee, Based On New Arbitration Clause,” some readers reported failure, but we’ve got a possible solution.

Script For Escaping Cingular Contracts Without Fee, Based On New Arbitration Clause

Script For Escaping Cingular Contracts Without Fee, Based On New Arbitration Clause

UPDATE: We added case law to throw back at Cingular if they try to argue the change in arbitration agreement is not a material change.

HOW TO: Fight Companies Online And Win

The Consumerist’s step-by-step guide to posting your complaint against a company online and getting results.

Comcast: Your DVR Can Now Make Sweet, Tender Love to TiVo

Comcast: Your DVR Can Now Make Sweet, Tender Love to TiVo

Business Week is reporting that Comcast DVR owners can, for a fee, incorporate TiVo features into their existing DVRs without a visit from a “technician”. Oh, sweet mystery of technology. They didn’t say how much it will cost, but hey… Do you want it or not? —MEGHANN MARCO

Feature: Converting Credit Card Reward Points Into Free Flights

Feature: Converting Credit Card Reward Points Into Free Flights

An impassioned plea, sent weeks ago to our tips box. A certain level of confused hysteria is evident. “If I have a credit card with reward points, should I convert them into miles? When? How to tell whether I’m getting a good rate? Help!”

HOWTO: Actually Use Your Frequent Flyer Miles

HOWTO: Actually Use Your Frequent Flyer Miles

Last Month in Features

Last Month in Features

by two talented, outside voices, Tim Nudd, better known as editor of Adfreak and Kate Bingaman, better known for making drawings of her receipts and credit card statements.

The Secret World of Packaged Goods Hotlines

The Secret World of Packaged Goods Hotlines

The nice thing about packaged goods is, you never have to call for help. Boil 6-8 minutes. Apply liberally. Just add water. Still, you can, if you want, call these companies. The numbers are right there on the products. We guess, once in a while, you’d lodge a complaint or a compliment. But what else on earth would you call about? What is unclear about candy or toothpaste that warrants a call to a professional?