
FDA Fuming Over E-Cigarettes

FDA Fuming Over E-Cigarettes

It’s been a busy week of letter-writing for the FDA. First, they sent out miffed missives to Canada Dry and Lipton over their questionable claims about their green tea drinks. Now the regulators are going after five manufacturers of electronic cigarettes for what the FDA alleges are illegal marketing tactics. [More]

FDA Warns Canada Dry, Lipton Against Making Health Claims On Green Tea Drinks

FDA Warns Canada Dry, Lipton Against Making Health Claims On Green Tea Drinks

Canada Dry and Lipton have been yellow-carded by referees at at Food and Drug Administration, who have warned the beverage makers of making unauthorized nutrient claims on their green tea drinks. [More]

Hartz Dog Treats Recalled Over Salmonella

Hartz Dog Treats Recalled Over Salmonella

Don’t reward your dog a Hartz Naturals Real Beef Treat from a bag stamped with lot code BZ0969101E, says the FDA, unless you want a potentially confused dog. Hartz says salmonella has been found in at least one bag from that lot, so it’s recalling nearly 75,000 bags. So far no one has reported any sick pets, but if you have questions you can call Hartz at 1-800-275-1414. [More]

FDA Finally Inspects Tainted Egg Farms, Discovers They're Unsanitary

FDA Finally Inspects Tainted Egg Farms, Discovers They're Unsanitary

Conditions at the two salmonella egg farms in Iowa are so bad that you’d think they were Tylenol factories, according to recent FDA inspections. Wait, I mean the first and only inspections. [More]

Calorie Count Rules Coming To Theaters, Airplanes, Convenience Stores, Supermarket Food Courts

Calorie Count Rules Coming To Theaters, Airplanes, Convenience Stores, Supermarket Food Courts

The FDA says the law that requires restaurant chains with more than 20 locations to post calorie counts also applies to other types of businesses, reports the Wall Street Journal. Specifically, movie theaters, airplanes, trains, food courts in grocery stores, and convenience stores are all considered chains and will soon have to start following the law. The agency hasn’t made up its mind yet whether things like salad bars in grocery stores will have to fall in line. The FDA will announce official guidelines in December. [More]

FDA Tries To Break Precedent, Pull Unproven Blood Pressure Drug

FDA Tries To Break Precedent, Pull Unproven Blood Pressure Drug

The Food and Drug Administration is moving to pull ProAmatine, a blood pressure medication that’s been available for 14 years and racked up a quarter billion in sales, because the manufacturer hasn’t submitted a follow-up study that proves the drug is effective. [More]

Foods That Pretend To Be Drugs

Foods That Pretend To Be Drugs

“Medical attention does not come from a Cheerios box,” Steven Nissen, head of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic, told Forbes. See, one of the biggest trends in the food industry are these so-called “functional foods,” water that helps you sleep, yogurt that regulates your digestion, pomegranate juice that cures cancer, etc. But most of the claims are bogus, or at best, misleading, and the FDA is cracking down. [More]

Hot Flash Spray Evamist Causes Boobs On Pets, Kids

Hot Flash Spray Evamist Causes Boobs On Pets, Kids

I like FDA warnings like this new one about Evamist, because I can file the symptoms away and use them to impress someone with my Sherlock Holmes skills. Friend: “How did you know she used Evamist?” Me: “Note the tell-tale breasts on her grandchildren and her terrier.” [More]

Lawsuit Asks FDA To Regulate Sperm-Damaging Antimicrobial Soap Chemicals

Lawsuit Asks FDA To Regulate Sperm-Damaging Antimicrobial Soap Chemicals

Thirty years ago, the FDA considered regulating two toxic chemicals that can damage reproductive organs, sperm quality, and hormone production. Rather than do something, the agency instead did nothing. Last week, the National Resources Defense Council sued the agency, asking them to finally finish the job and regulate the chemicals triclosan and triclocarban. [More]

Kiddie Viagra Could Earn Patent Extension For Pfizer

Kiddie Viagra Could Earn Patent Extension For Pfizer

Viagra for kids? That sounds… well, wrong. But apparently, low doses of the erectile dysfunction drug can help children stricken by a rare lung disorder. It could also earn Pfizer a six-month extension on the patent for its blue-chip brand. [More]

Tobacco Companies Say Menthol Cigarettes Don't Encourage Kids To Smoke

Tobacco Companies Say Menthol Cigarettes Don't Encourage Kids To Smoke

The FDA is having a hearing to determine whether or not it should ban the sale of menthol cigarettes. The Tobacco Control Act already banns most tobacco flavorings, but does not include menthol — which makes up about one third of the $70 billion cigarette business. [More]

FDA Panel Split On Vote To Remove Avandia From Shelves

FDA Panel Split On Vote To Remove Avandia From Shelves

Today, an advisory panel met to discuss and vote on whether or not to recommend if the FDA should pull diabetes drug Avandia from the market over a possible link to increased risk of heart attacks. In the end, the voting leaves no definite direction for how the FDA will ultimately come down on the issue. [More]

US Is A Dumping Ground For Crappy, Dangerous Olive Oil

US Is A Dumping Ground For Crappy, Dangerous Olive Oil

Demand for extra virgin olive oil is up — but we apparently don’t have strict standards that prevent companies from adulterating “extra virgin” olive oil with cheaper stuff such canola, safflower or peanut oils, says the LA Times. New standards from the US Department of Agriculture aim to change that this fall, however. [More]

CSPI Calls For Ban On Red 40, Yellows 5 and 6

CSPI Calls For Ban On Red 40, Yellows 5 and 6

One week after threatening to take the happy out of Happy Meals, the Center for Science in the Public Interest now wants to remove a few colors from the food dye rainbow, calling for the FDA to issue a ban on three colors it believes are bad for your health. [More]

FDA To Farmers: Enough Already With All The Antibiotics

FDA To Farmers: Enough Already With All The Antibiotics

After coming to the conclusion that farmers have gone a little hog-wild with their use of antimicrobials — not to cure animals of disease, but to spur animal growth — the FDA has kindly asked them to cut it out because it’s just going to make the rest of us sicker. [More]

Airline Food Might Not Only Taste Bad, It Might Make You Sick

Airline Food Might Not Only Taste Bad, It Might Make You Sick

Maybe it’s a good thing that more and more airlines are charging to chow down on their mediocre meals. FDA reports uncovered by USA Today reveals the unappetizing conditions at some of the kitchens that prepare the overpriced grub. [More]

Would You Like Fries With Your Lion Burger?

Would You Like Fries With Your Lion Burger?

By now, you’ve probably heard about the small Mesa, Arizona, restaurant that caused an up-roar this week by making a limited-time addition to its menu — Lion Burgers. If you hadn’t heard about it, well now you have. But putting any judgment aside for the moment, one has to ask — Where in the world do you get lion meat from? [More]

Flavored Cigarettes Banned As Of Today

Flavored Cigarettes Banned As Of Today

New rules about tobacco marketing that targets young people go into effect this week as part of the Family Smoking Prevention and Control Act. Among the rules: No candy- or fruit-flavored cigarettes. [More]