The CDC is saying that the “belly fat” of US Children has grown by over 65% since 1999 . Supposedly, Belly fat is more dangerous for health than overall weight gain, because there is a much closer link between visceral fat (the fat around your internal organs) and serious diseases.
McDonalds Caused Iraq?
According to a new article in the Engineering Economist, Americans use 938 million more gallons of fuel per annum than in 1960 as a direct result of their increased weight.
Put Down the Bag of Chips, and Drink From the Bottle of Oil
We’re not sure what’s more horrifying: The fact that half of British schoolchildren eat a pack of potato chips (or crisps, if you prefer) every single day, or the fact that such a rate of chip consumption means you’re ingesting more than a gallon of vegetable oil every year.
Ambien Users Report Primitive Unconscious Night Gourgings
As if America weren’t globular enough already, now you can get fat off sleeping pills.