Let’s take a moment to pay our respects to the dearly departed sporting good stores who have passed on in recent years: Sports Authority, Gander Mountain, Eastern Mountain Sports, Sport Chalet, Golfsmith and we’re probably missing a few. Dick’s Sporting Goods has fed on the bones of some of its former competitors, taking over their locations and inventory, but it still needs a plan to stave off the doom that consumed so many of its competitors. [More]
falling sales

Rue21 May Be Next Retailer To File For Bankruptcy
The retail wheel of misfortune has been particularly unkind to teen-targeted shops that occupy many of the nation’s malls and shopping centers. WetSeal, Aeropostale, Pacific Sun, and Quicksilver have all recently filed for bankruptcy, and a new report says Rue21 may be the next to fall. [More]

As Sales Sink, Urban Outfitters CEO Declares Retail “Bubble Has Burst”
The last few years haven’t exactly been great for long-time mall retailers, with chains like Wet Seal, BCBG, Aeropostale, and The Limited filing for bankruptcy, while Abercrombie & Fitch and Barnes & Noble struggle to remain relevant. Now that two additional mall mainstays — Express and Urban Outfitters — one CEO is saying that retailers have no one to blame but themselves. [More]

Target Stepping Away From Innovation To Focus On Core Business
In an attempt to attract more customers and drum up sales in the face of fewer visitors and just so-so grocery sales, Target turned to innovation, creating prototype stores of the future and launching a super-secret project “Goldfish” that aimed on disrupting the retail landscape as we knew it. Those efforts are no more. [More]