In an effort to guard against sleepy or fatigued pilots taking a snooze behind the controls, as well as air traffic controllers who might doze off, the Federal Aviation Administration has announced a new regulation requiring both kinds of staff undergo testing for sleep disorders if they’re overweight. [More]

FAA Orders All Overweight Air Traffic Controllers And Pilots To Get Tested For Sleep Disorders

The FAA Rethinking That Whole Ban On Smartphone Usage In Flight Thing, Finally
There are two camps of people on flights — those who listen to the flight attendants when they’re told to turn off all electronic devices during takeoff and landing, and those who think the rule is hogwash and refuse to disconnect from the wireless world until they’re forced to. That second group is probably pleased as punch to hear then, that the Federal Aviation Administration is taking another gander at its rules about smartphones and other electronics, while still firmly to its ban on in-flight phone calls. [More]