Brianne says she woke up early Monday morning to a horrifying sight: Her Samsung Galaxy S6 Active was on fire next to her bed. Unlike many previous instances of phones smoldering or going up in flames, she says her device was not being charged or plugged into anything at the time. [More]
exploding batteries

Owner Of Samsung Galaxy S6 Active Says Phone Exploded On Nightstand; Wasn’t Being Charged

Are Explosion-Proof Batteries On The Way?
Between Samsung’s massive Galaxy Note 7 recall, hoverboards that catch fire, and e-cigarettes that unexpectedly combust, there has been no shortage of dangerous examples that suggest some batteries — specifically of the lithium-ion type — found in popular electronics are susceptible to explosions. Now, scientists are working to create a safer alternative power source. [More]

Sprint CEO: This Whole Note 7 Recall Thing Will Be Forgotten In 6 Months
Despite weeks of Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 grabbing headlines — first for reports of exploding devices, then for the drawn-out process that eventually led to an official recall — at least one person thinks the whole controversy will be forgotten sooner rather than later. [More]

One Sentence From News Story About Exploding Laptop Sums Up What It’s Like To Be In Dell Hell
Longtime readers of Consumerist are familiar with “Dell Hell” stories, in which something bad happens to a Dell computer and then the company does its best to do absolutely nothing about it. A recent news story about an exploding Dell laptop is a perfect example of Dell’s particular flavor of ignorance. [More]