More than two years after Education Credit Management Corporation swooped in to purchase 56 Everest and WyoTech campuses previously owned by defunct for-profit college chain Corinthian Colleges, the company has finally changed the remaining schools’ names in a belated attempt to shed the stigma associated with the for-profit chains. [More]
everest university

Feds Will Forgive $30M In Federal Loans For Students Of Defunct American Career Institute
Under the “Borrower Defense” program, a student’s federal education loans can be forgiven if they can prove their college used deceptive practices to convince them to enroll. The Department of Education confirmed today that this program will be used to forgive $30 million in federal student loans for thousands of former students from the defunct American Career Institute. [More]

More Than A Year After Corinthian Collapse, Students Still Waiting For Financial Aid Help
Eighteen months after Corinthian Colleges Inc. completed its collapse – closing the remaining Heald College, Wyotech, and Everest University – tens of thousands of former students are still waiting to received some form of relief from the mountains of student loan debt they incurred to attend the defunct college. [More]

New Owner Of 56 Former Corinthian Colleges Schools Kept Administrators, Teachers
As part of its agreement to purchase more than 56 campuses from failed for-profit education giant Corinthian Colleges, Education Credit Management Corporation agreed to transition the Everest University and WyoTech schools to non-profit status, and generally avoid any of the shady business practices — inflated job placement rates, pushing students into high cost loans — that the former owner was accused of engaging in. Yet, a new report airing on PBS’ Frontline tonight suggests that while the company has worked to turn the schools around, some things — namely personnel — have not changed. [More]

Former Corinthian College Students Sue To Have Private Loans Discharged
As the Department of Education is working to wipe away millions of dollars in federal loans owed by former students of now-defunct Corinthian College Inc. schools, some former students continue to receive monthly bills for private loans they took out in order to attend the for-profit colleges. Now one former Corinthian student has filed a federal class action against the financial firms that currently hold the private student loans. [More]

Former Corinthian College Students To Have Easier Time Getting Student Loan Discharges
For nearly a year, advocates and lawmakers have shared their dissatisfaction with the Department of Education’s pace and complicated process on discharging the student loan debt for students of now-defunct for-profit chain Corinthian Colleges. Today, the Department is expected to clear a path for debt relief for these students after determining that state investigations into the schools found enough proof that the company widely misled students about their futures if they attended the schools. [More]

Corinthian Colleges Allegedly Recruited Homeless Students, Advertised Non-Existent Programs
Just when you think the accusations levied against now-defunct for-profit college chain Corinthian Colleges couldn’t get worse — inflating job placement rates, grade manipulation, and questionable marketing practices — they do. The California Attorney General’s office filed thousands of pages of documents and testimony as part of its ongoing lawsuit against the school highlighting an even more egregious practice: allegedly recruiting homeless students and assisting them in taking out thousands of dollars in loans they could never repay. [More]

Law Firm In Charge Of Corinthian Colleges Turnaround Fired By Dept. Of Education
When Education Credit Management Corporation completed the purchase of 56 Everest University and WyoTech campuses from now-defunct for-profit education chain Corinthian Colleges, it agreed to hire an independent monitor to oversee the turnaround of the schools. Things apparently aren’t going so well, as the Department of Education announced it has fired the law firm hired for the task. [More]

Feds Forgive $103M In Debt For Nearly 7,000 Former Corinthian College Students
Nearly 7,000 additional former students of defunct for-profit chain Corinthian College will have their loan debt erased by the federal government. While the $103 million tab sounds like a lot, it’s only a fraction of the billions of dollars that Wyotech, Heald College and Everest University charged in tuition. [More]

Corinthian College’s Misleading Job-Placement Info Could Result In Faster Debt Relief For Students
Thousands of students affected by the abrupt closure of for-profit college educator Corinthian Colleges’ Wyotech, Heald College and Everest University campuses could soon have more options when it comes to receiving debt relief after a joint investigation by the California Attorney General’s office and the Department of Education found additional evidence that the schools misrepresented job placement rates for several programs in order to enroll students. [More]

Feds Win Default Judgment Against Corinthian Colleges Over Predatory Lending Scheme
In September 2014, just seven months before Everest University, WyoTech and Heald College closed their doors, federal regulators sued the for-profit colleges’ parent company Corinthian Colleges Inc claiming it duped thousands of students into taking out costly, predatory, and often financially devastating, private student loans to finance their post-secondary education. This week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau won a default judgment against the for-profit educator for engaging in a predatory lending scheme. [More]

Corinthian Students Continue To Wait For Debt Relief As Department Of Ed. Reviews More Than 7,800 Claims
The tens of thousands of students seeking debt relief from the federal government after for-profit education chain Corinthian Colleges Inc. closed its Everest University, WyoTech and Heald College campuses, will have to wait a little longer, the Department of Education said Thursday as it provided an update on the number of federal student loans it has discharged and that are currently under consideration. [More]

Mass. AG, Lawmakers Call For More Assistance For Former Corinthian College Students
Ever since for-profit education chain Corinthian Colleges Inc. closed its Everest University, WyoTech and Heald College campuses, leaving tens of thousands of students with millions of dollars in loans, consumers advocates, legislators and others have urged the Department of Education to relieve former students of their debt burdens. Those calls for help continued on Tuesday with renewed pressure from Massachusetts Attorney General Marua Healey and Sen. Elizabeth Warren calling on the Dept. to rid victims of the defunct for-profit college of unsustainable loan payments. [More]

Dept. Of Education Plans To Overhaul Loan Forgiveness Program For Students Defrauded By Schools
As thousands of former Corinthian College students continue to wait to learn whether or not they’re on the hook to repay billions of dollars in student loans they took out to attend the now defunct for-profit college, the Department of Education announced plans to overhaul the loan forgiveness process for students who believe they have been defrauded by their colleges. [More]

Why Do I Keep Seeing Commercials For Everest University?
If you’re sitting at home watching television on any given afternoon, you’re likely to see a few commercials touting the supposed convenience and benefits of attending a for-profit college. But with the recent, very public collapse of now-bankrupt Corinthian Colleges Inc — and the closure of many of its schools — you might be wondering why your Jerry Springer show is being interrupted with ads for Everest University. [More]

Former Corinthian College Students Seek To File $2.5B Claim Against Bankrupt For-Profit Operator
Former students of now-defunct for-profit education chain Corinthian Colleges continued their fight to recoup the money they spent on classes at the company’s Heald College, WyoTech or Everest University campuses, filing a $2.5 billion claim against the bankrupt educator.

Agreement Could Temporarily Halt Legal Action On Loans For Some Former Corinthian College Students
Former Corinthian College students left with piles of debt after the company closed its Heald College, Everest University and WyoTech campuses earlier this year are getting a bit more relief, as the Department of Education announced it would temporarily suspend some legal actions related to borrower’s defaulted loans. [More]