A printing error on the fancy new $100 bills means that nearly a billion are in storage until the government figures out how many to destroy. The paper got creased during printing, leaving a portion of Franklin’s face uninked. It’s a $110 billion boo-boo! [More]

Netflix Is Mysteriously Down And Bored People Are Increasingly Bored
Are you kinda bored? Want to watch movies on Netflix’s website. Nope. Can’t. It’s mysteriously down. [More]

Chase Cannot Find A Human Being To Read A Check
Chase has these fancy new ATMs that take checks without envelopes. It scans the check and blah, blah, robots, science, a better tomorrow. The interesting thing about them is that reader Angela says that when the ATM makes an error, Chase mails the check back to you so that you, the customer, can take it to a branch bank and show it to a human being. Apparently, even though Chase already has the check in its possession — it cannot find a human being to read a check. [More]

Best Buy "Optimized Laptop" Features Nothing But An Error Message
Reader L951B951 saw our recent posts about Best Buy’s dubious “optimization” services, so he went to the store armed and ready to demand an unopened laptop. The trouble is — he says Best Buy had opened them all. Did this stop our hero from coming away with a laptop without paying the optimization fee? Of course not.

If The Bank Accidentally Gives You $11,000 And You Won't Give It Back, You're Gonna Get Arrested
“Bank error in your favor” may help you out in Monopoly, but in real life — you gotta give the money back. One New York man didn’t agree, and now he’s been arrested and has been charged with grand larceny.

XBOX 360 Warranty Expanded To Cover "E74" Error, Refunds Issued
According to research by the gaming blog Joystiq, a mysterious new error has been affecting the XBOX 360. The “E74” error, according to some non-scientific data compiled by the blog, has been increasing since the debut of NXE (New XBOX Experience). Now Microsoft is acknowledging the error and extending their 3-year Red Ring Of Death warranty to cover it.

Please, Citibank, Stop Sending Us Random Amounts Of Money!
Readers M & C are honest people, so when Citibank started randomly depositing money that clearly wasn’t theirs into their account, they called to tell them about it. And Citibank took the money back. And deposited it again. And then sent them a check. M & C say that they’ve begged, they’ve pleaded Citibank to stop sending them random checks — but nothing has worked.

Charter: Sorry We Deleted Your Email, Want $50?
There is no way to retrieve the messages, photos and other attachments that were erased from inboxes and archive folders across the country on Monday, said Anita Lamont, a spokeswoman for the suburban St. Louis-based company.

GameStop Will Not Accept Defective PS3 Exchange Because Of Serial Number Mistake
Reader Ben’s receipt doesn’t match the serial number on his defective PS3, so GameStop and Sony are refusing to repair or exchange it.

Adobe's DRM Fails "Catastrophically."
In a stunning bout of honesty, Adobe’s licensing subsystem would like you to know that it has managed to fail “catastrophically.”