While there’s always plenty of streaming content to watch on the Internet these days, if you’re a fan of Hunger Games or Transformers flicks, better watch them on Netflix now, while you still can: the subscription streaming service says it won’t be renewing its deal with Epix, the cable provider with domestic streaming rights to those movies in the U.S. And in a bit of very interesting timing, Hulu and Epix announced their own deal, one that will stream new releases from a Lionsgate, MGM and Paramount starting October 1. [More]

Hunger Games, Transformers Movies Will Disappear From Netflix After Company Decides Not To Renew Epix Deal

Sling Users Get More Streaming TV Today With Addition Of AMC, IFC
One of the most common knocks against Dish’s Sling TV streaming service is that it just doesn’t offer you enough channels for the $20/month subscription, but today Sling will get more attractive to some as AMC and IFC are added to the base package of channels at no additional cost, while users also have the option of a $5 premium bundle from Epix. [More]

Sling TV Chooses Epix For Its First Premium Movie Package
Dish’s Sling TV streaming service is currently a pretty bare-bones operation, with only about a dozen channels and very little in the way of on-demand content. Today the service announced its first partnership with a premium pay-TV movie network. And no, it’s not HBO, Showtime, or even Starz. [More]

As Of Today There Are 1,800 Fewer Classic Movie Titles On Netflix Instant
Perhaps you were waiting for just the right night to tuck yourself in on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, get all cozy and finally watch Dr. No on Netflix Instant. Well, unless you did that before today, you’re outta luck: Netflix pulled about 1,800 classic titles from its streaming library last night as part of its effort to ramp up their programming instead of simply offering a whole bunch of movies. [More]

Netflix "Watch It Now" Service Gets Access To Paramount, Lionsgate and MGM
The NYT is reporting that Netflix has cut a deal with start-up pay-TV channel Epix that will give it exclusive rights to steam Paramount Pictures, Lionsgate and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer films. What does this mean for you? If you have Netflix, you’ll be able to stream movies like ‘Iron Man 2’ three months after they appear on pay television. [More]