Alexa, the virtual assistant inside Amazon’s Echo speaker — and its smaller versions — can order you a pizza, but can she tell that you’re upset when she confuses pepperoni with ham? Not yet, but the e-commerce giant is apparently working on giving Alexa the ability to gauge users’ emotions. [More]

Survey Says: You’d Rather Have Your Nude Pics Leaked Than Your Financial Information
MasterCard wants to know how you feel, so they asked a bunch of people: Do you feel safe? Do you feel secure? Do you feel like you need a cookie and a nice cup of cocoa? Wait, scratch that last one. MasterCard’s survey only covered feelings about how safe and secure you feel your financial information is. The answer? Not very secure at all. [More]

Lady Weeps With Joy As First Texas In-N-Out Burger Opens
Yesterday the first In-N-Out Burger join in Texas opened its doors. The chain is unlike others in terms of the fervent loyalty it engenders in its fans, and they came by the thousands yesterday to Frisco, Texas to partake in its offerings. Some of them wore paper hats. Some of them ran out of gas. And then there’s this woman, a Cali transplant, who openly cried on camera as she bit into the burger and memories of her childhood flooded back. That grilled patty was her madeleine. [More]