Last year, an epidemic of bird flu killed millions of chickens and turkeys, affecting the supply of bird-based meats and of chicken eggs. Experts thought that the shortage and high egg prices might continue, but they were wrong: farmers were able to breed and raise new generations of female chicks, ready to take the place of their fallen colleagues. [More]
egg shortage

Whataburger Resumes Normal Breakfast Hours After Egg Shortage Crackdown
Good news for fans of Whataburger’s breakfast: The chain says its resumed serving its overnight full breakfast menu and will go back to normal hours after resolving egg shortages linked to the Midwest bird flu crisis. Customers can now get breakfast from 11 p.m. to 11 a.m. [via the Associated Press] [More]

Whataburger Shortening Weekday Breakfast Hours Amid National Egg Shortage
We were warned, and so it has come to pass: The recent outbreak of avian flu that’s been decimating poultry populations in the Midwest is putting the hurt on American consumers. Whataburger announced that starting today, it’ll be shortening its breakfast hours in the face of a national egg shortage. [More]