Scott wanted to cancel his service with eFax. Simple enough. The site told him that this must be done via webchat. But the chat doesn’t work, so he called them on the phone. The phone line told him that he needs to try the web site. And so on… [More]

Why Is It So Hard To Cancel Your EFax Account?
In Slate today, Timothy Noah describes his hour-long ordeal to cancel the eFax account he never uses anymore. If you’ve ever tried to cancel an online service, you probably already know how this story goes: it was impossible to find a “cancel my account” link anywhere on the site, support numbers were no help, and a scripted service rep tried to shove an extension on him instead of simply providing customer support.

eFax Chat Bots Have No Favorite Simpsons Character
Joanna thought she could send out two free faxes using eFax, but when she did, she got an email telling her she needed to upgrade. Purchase the paid service just to use the demo? That doesn’t sound right. She tried to connect to eFax sales chat to get her problem solved.

Best Posts Ever, This Week
• How To Get Your Phone Fixed: Make It A Pay Phone. Sweet phreak, just don’t get carried away and start blowing kazoo sounds in like Captain Crunch, that shit doesn’t work anymore.

Update: Canceling Fax Service Like Passing Gallstones
Surprise, surprise, it’s hard for others to cancel J2 as well. Not only that, but their chat-based CSRs definitely have robotic paragraphs they insert into the conversation. Compare the chat log after the jump with our previous post on the same matter, you’ll find that Amy R. says the exact same lame retention spiel as Sharon. W.