The owner of your local pizzeria might have zero interest in using the Internet, yet you can place an order from them with your smartphone. The techno-wizardry that makes that happen comes from a small but important industry of companies that translate between fax machines and the Internet. [More]

How To Break The eFax Cancellation Cycle Of Stupidity
Scott wanted to cancel his service with eFax. Simple enough. The site told him that this must be done via webchat. But the chat doesn’t work, so he called them on the phone. The phone line told him that he needs to try the web site. And so on… [More]

Canceling Fax Service Like Passing Gallstones
L.S. writes that she had a devil of a time trying to cancel her service with J2, an online fax and voicemail service. The cancellation info was buried deep in the website and several links and phone numbers were only dead-ends bedecked with red herrings.