If you’re a Dungeons & Dragons fan who was miffed that now everyone knows what a demogorgon is just because of Stranger Things, cheer up: your beloved role-playing game has earned itself a spot in the National Toy Hall of Fame, along with fellow inductees Fisher-Price Little People and that classic playground favorite, the swing. [More]
dungeons & dragons

Meet Your 2016 National Toy Hall of Fame Inductees: Dungeons & Dragons, Fisher-Price Little People, And The Swing

Transformers, Nerf, & Bubble Wrap Among Finalists For The National Toy Hall Of Fame
Whether popping plastic packing material is your idea of a good time, or nailing your adversaries with a foam projectile is more your speed, both modes of entertainment have a chance at being inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame this year. [More]

Gird Your Mountain Dew-Soaked Loins: Dungeons & Dragons Archive Going Digital
All I need to do is close my eyes and I’m transported back to sometime in the mid-’80s, the unmistakeable scent of Cool Ranch Doritos wafting on the air and the sloshing of multiple liters of Mountain Dew as I creep down the basement stairs. “What are you doing down here for so long?” would inevitably be answered by “We’re playing Dungeons & Dragons, go away or we’ll tell Mom you’re bugging us.” That would happen for hours on end, and now it can again with a digital archive of the role-playing adventures. [More]

Hasbro Casts Spell Of Greater Invisibility Over D&D Cancellation Page
You can’t cancel your annual membership agreement with Hasbro’s “D&D Insider”—at least not easily, and not at all for some frustrated users. Company admins keep giving out ridiculous instructions on the user forums, but those posts are followed by customers saying all they get are error messages, no matter what browser/OS combo they try. To make matters worse, their customer service department was closed over the holidays, so nobody was answering the phone numbers they listed. This is the kind of runaround we expect from scammers like the Acai resellers, not a national toy company.