Did you know your eyes have probably been viewing things in only 480 vertical lines of resolution? Thankfully someone out there isn’t as stupid as the rest of us, and realized that if our television sets can be upgraded to HD, so can our eyeballs. At least they can with the help of these special sunglasses.

Bank Of America Asks Armless Man For Thumbprint
A Florida man was unable to cash a Bank of America check because the bank required a thumbprint, and he had no arms.

Man Tries To Sell Tarted Up Oven Door As $100 HDTV
This $100 flat-screen TV this random dude is selling out of his car in a Walmart parking lot is a steal! Specifically, he is stealing your money by substituting a sticker-covered oven door for a TV.
Apple censored a dictionary app, forcing the developers to remove listings to “cock,” “ass,” and other words that make fifth graders giggle, before it allowed it to go up on the App Store. Ninjawords is now available (with those entries excised) but has a 17+ rating. [Engadget]

Apparently, if you put in a “tragedy” word for every 167 words in your email message, Gmail’s servers won’t display ads out of some robotic simulacrum of empathy. You’ll also freak out or depress your friends, but hey, no ads! [BoingBoing] (Photo: solidariat)

Citgo Employees Smoke Cigarettes At Gas Station, Are Apparently Fireproof
Maybe these guys know something about the risks of combining fire and gasoline that we don’t, but we’re pretty sure that you’re not supposed to smoke at a gas station. Reader Chris didn’t think so either, and he sent us these pics of employees taking a smoke break at his local Citgo.

Comcast Installer Robs Check Cashing Store
Hey dumb crooks, if you’re going to rob a place be sure not to wear a uniform with your company’s name on it and drive a van plastered with a nationally recognized logo. It makes it really easy for the police to catch you. On second thought, do just that, please.

Pizza Hut Tries To Avoid Blame For Its Pizza, Shortens Name To "The Hut"
Update: To clarify, Pizza Hut isn’t changing its name. It’s co-adopting “The Hut” is a secondary branding mark, or something like that. (Thanks to William!)

Cop Brandishes Gun At McDonald's Because Order Takes Too Long
A Denver police officer, annoyed that his McDonald’s order was taking too long, allegedly pointed his gun at the drive-thru attendant. Then he left without paying.

Alert: Crunchberries Are Not Real Berries
Late last month, a U.S. District Court judge dismissed a complaint filed by a woman who said she’d been buying Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries cereal for four years under the assumption that crunchberries are a real berry. “The plaintiff, Janine Sugawara, alleged that she had only recently learned to her dismay that said ‘berries’ were in fact simply brightly-colored cereal balls.”

Nurse Laid Off In The Middle Of Surgery
When Dean Health System in Madison, Wisconsin announced last week that it “planned to ‘immediately’ lay off 90 employees,” it wasn’t kidding around. One of them was a nurse who was pulled out of surgery to be told the news.

Why Do Some Stores Act Stupid About Coupons?
Some stores—like A&P Supermarkets and Bed Bath & Beyond, for example—seem to have a sort of antagonism against coupon users. (For that matter, some of our commenters do too, but they are wrong.) Steve Gosset notes on his “Reality Bites Back” blog that the shortsighted coupon policies at these two stores only ended up costing them more fees, or even a sale.

Airport Security Says Disabled Man Isn't "In Possession Of" His Luggage
Blogger Dave Hingsburger writes about a horrifying experience at the airport. Dave, who is disabled, was informed by airport security that because he was in a wheelchair, he wasn’t technically “in possession of” his luggage and that “some body” needed to attend to it. The security guard continued to argue with Dave until a pilot apologetically intervened. Well done, airport security. An Elephant Disappears (Photo: ringmaster006)

Technically, There Is Nothing Wrong With This Display
On the other hand, we think the CVS manager in this D.C. store might want to take a look around and see how other stores are doing it. (Thanks to Rob!)

Spirit Airlines Tries To Charge Cancellation Fees On Passengers It Put On Flight 1549
Update 3:10pm ET: the airline has said it won’t charge the men after all.
Spirit Airlines wants $90 each from Rob and Jeff Kolodjay, two of the passengers in last week’s U.S. Airways flight 1549, because they’re not using the return leg of their tickets. Rob and Jeff were on flight 1549 in the first place because Spirit canceled their original flight.