To whom it may concern:

Verizon Doesn't Care If It Eats Up All Your Vacation Days Waiting For Installations
Professional WIRED blogger experience the ignominy of waiting for days upon weeks for a Comcast installation. [Gadget Lab]

AT&T Swears $10 DSL Is Available, But Only If You Don't Follow Their Directions
AT&T gave St. Louis Post-Dispatch columnist Michael Sorkin step-by-step directions for signing up for their $10 DSL offer that did not work. Sorkin had joined in us reprimanding AT&T for hiding the $10 DSL package that will surely usher in the apocalypse if ever found by customers. AT&T told Sorkin the whole hiding the ultra-cheap internet service thing was just a big misunderstanding: [More]

Comcast Cut My DSL Line
Comcast cut Ian’s Speakeasy DSL line while installing a fiber optic cable for his live-in landlord. Ian couldn’t convince Comcast that cutting another company’s line was a problem:
All calls to Comcast have been met with cynicism, contempt, and out-right lies. Among the things i was told was: there was no independent line, the line belonged to Comcast, my landlord was the problem, the house was wired improperly when built (you know, back in the ’70s when DSL was all the rage, right?), and then was eventually hung up on.
Fed up with Comcast’s lies, Ian hopped in his car and drove to the nearest Comcast office. Ian writes:

AT&T CEO: $10 DSL "Not A Product That Our Customers Have Clamored For"
AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson told the Atlanta Journal Constitution that his customer just aren’t interested in ultra-cheap internet service. AT&T is required to offer $10 DSL throughout 22 states, a concession made to the FTC as part of a deal to acquire BellSouth. AT&T has been accused of hiding the $10 DSL option, which, apparently, they did for the sake of their customers. From the Atlanta Journal Constitution:

"Automatic Bill Payment" Means Verizon Pays Your Bill, Then Sends You Another One
Just when you think you’ve head everything, Rebecca writes you. She thought she’d set up her Verizon DSL with automatic payments. When she could suddenly no longer log in to her Verizon email, she called them up and found out that she was way overdue. Once she paid her past balance, and waited several days for Verizon to turn her service back on, she logged in to her account and sure enough she did have automatic payments set up:

AT&T Giving Consumers The Runaround Over Secret $10 DSL
AT&T is required to offer a $10 DSL option to those consumers who are in AT&T’s 22 state coverage area and who have not previously subscribed to AT&T DSL. This requirement is part of concessions made to the FTC so that AT&T could merge with BellSouth and take over Cingular.

AT&T's Secret $10 DSL
As part of a concession made to the FCC in order to get its mitts on BellSouth, AT&T is required to offer basic DSL for $10 a month to its entire 22 state coverage area for a period of 2 years.

The Most Painful Way To Cancel Your AT&T DSL, Ever
If you also suffer from this travesty of service, here’s how to get out of your contract:

AT&T DSL Downgrades Email, That You Pay For, To Include Ads
AT&T DSL subscribers who use their ISP email will now have the pleasure of seeing ads in their email service. That they pay for. Did we say that already?

Squirrels 1, Comcast 0: Comcast Would Rather Let You Cancel Than Investigate Damage
I’ve told them either they are throttling the bandwidth for my neighborhood or it’s a problem on the pole going to my house. They had found a problem there previously; apparently it looked like squirrels chewed through the box and severed components. Squirrels are apparently bad-asses when it comes to taking down infrastructures.
We suppose Comcast could have kept Rex as a customer if they’d bothered to just take a look at his potential squirrel damage. Comcast even promised that they would. They didn’t. Now Rex has Speakeasy. Sadly, when we told him that they’d just been purchased by Best Buy he said a word that nice ladies don’t type on the internet.

Best Buy Gobbles Up Speakeasy
Best Buy today agreed to purchase leading independent DSL provider Speakeasy, starting Q1 2008.
BellSouth’s Site Tracks Your IP And Then They Telemarket You
Is a company allowed to call you up after you go to their website, even if you haven’t even given them your phone number?
AT&T Will Sell $20 “Naked” DSL
In the coming months AT&T will sell stand-alone, or “naked,” DSL service for $19.95. Currently, AT&T charges $45 for broadband if you don’t purchase any other bundled services. If you purchase DSL and phone from AT&T, it’s only $28, a deliberate attempt to preserve their phone business and limit consumer choice.

HOWTO: Drop Landline, Keep DSL
Man gets rid of his landline, or “snail phone,” but maintains his DSL service, saves money, lives to tell the tale.
Cavalier Telephone Is Stoop-Sitting Hell
You know, sometimes, you practically need to diagram out the labyrinth of a customer-company horror story. It’s a maze of dead ends and twisted passages.