A still-pending class-action lawsuit that dates back to the dawn of the baggage-fee era alleges that Delta and AirTran colluded to implement their original fees for passengers’ first checked bags. But Delta has apparently not been terribly forthcoming with all the documentation sought by plaintiffs and has already been sanctioned millions of dollars by the court, including a $2.7 million slap on the wrist handed down earlier this week. [More]
drop in the bucket

Chase To Pay Out $300 Million Over Home Insurance Allegations
On Friday, a federal judge signed off on a settlement that will have JPMorgan Chase paying out at least $300 million to around 750,000 mortgage borrowers. It’s the first of what could be several large settlements with major lenders over the issue of forced-place insurance. [More]

Another Day, Another 9-Figure Settlement For Bank Of America
For most companies, a $165 million settlement would be huge news. For Bank of America, it’s like a paper cut on a guy that’s been swimming in the piranha tank all day. Not that we feel any sympathy. [More]

Exxon Mobil Ordered To Pay $1.5 Billion Over Maryland Gasoline Leak
A jury in Baltimore County, Maryland, has ordered petroleum giant Exxon Mobil to pay $1.5 billion in damages to residents and businesses of a town affected by a gasoline leak in 2006. [More]

BP To Pay $25 Million Penalty For Alaska Oil Spill
Long before BP was cutting costs — and spilling oodles of oil — into the Gulf of Mexico, it was polluting the soil in Alaska by refusing to properly maintain its pipeline system. And now your Worst Company In America has agreed to pony up $25 million to settle the federal investigation into a massive Alaska spill in Prudhoe Bay. [More]