Yesterday, we shared the story of Nick, a university information technology professional who bought a computer for a new employee that already had Windows 8 on it, tried to downgrade to Windows 7, and was told that doing so would void his warranty. While the person at Enterprise support he spoke to may have said this, it is not, strictly speaking, true. That’s great to hear. The bad news, of course, is that someone told Nick this in the first place. An ordinary customer who doesn’t work in IT would be completely confused at this point. [More]

Accept The Rate Increase Or Pay A "Downgrade Fee"; RCN Will Get Money From You Either Way
RCN knows some of you aren’t going to be happy with having your fees increased, especially in such a tight economy. They know that some of you will probably decide enough is enough and call them to request an account downgrade. They’re going to make money off of that, too.

Comcast's 24/7 Customer Service Line Closed For Cancelers, Open For Upgraders
After a long day of work, John called Comcast’s “24/7” customer service line to downgrade his service. Press 1 to upgrade, 2 to downgrade, chirped the phone. He pressed two and was told that he was calling after hours and would have to call back later. He hung up and redialed and pressed 1, “upgrade,” this time, and within 30 seconds was connected with a customer service rep, “who was more than happy to help me DOWNGRADE my service. It was literally a 2 minute call, and I had cancelled the services I don’t use and am saving almost $40/mo,” blogs John. Clever, Comcast, so clever.
Trim a little here, trim a little there: beginning in July, United will no longer give customers a minimum 500 frequent flyer miles for short trips. The new policy will be to give only the actual trip miles. [Chicago Tribune]

Discover Downgrades 5% Cashback Rewards
Discover recently downgraded its 5% cashback rewards. Used to be you got 5% cash back up to $1200 annually. Now, you only get 5% on the first $100 each month. Don’t charge up to $100 that month? You’ve just missed an opportunity to save $5.