When you see a co-worker pass around the inevitable Girl Scout cookie order form and grumble about how you had to do door-to-door sales back when you were a kid, keep this story in mind. A family alleges that a Girl Scout selling cookies in a California neighborhood had a gun pulled on her by a potential customer. [More]
door to door sales

"Pushups" Dupe Woman Into $110 Of Magazine Subscriptions
You can now add “pushups” to the conman’s arsenal you need to watch out for. A Raleigh woman says that’s what convinced her to sign up for $110 worth of magazine subscriptions from a desperate young door-to-door salesman. That and the fact that he said she could cancel the sale later, he just needed the credit on his record to earn a free trip to Europe and a grant to start his own company. [More]

What Not To Say To A Sketchy Door-To-Door Salesman
Terry has a story that illustrates why it’s not a good idea to have a too-trusting person — say, your mom or your kids — answer your door. If the answerer has the tendency to offer up unsolicited information about when you’ll be away, he could give an unsavory caller an indication of when to rob you. [More]

Deciding Whether To Open Your Wallet Or Slam The Door When A Stranger Calls
When a stranger knocks on your door, it’s almost always someone asking for something rather than someone willing to give you something. So it’s understandable to have a closed-door policy unless you see through the peephole that it’s Ed McMahon. And even if it is Ed McMahon, he’s most likely a zombie rather than a Publishers Clearing House representative because he died last year. [More]

Help! Cablevision Is In The Hall Listening Outside My Door!
Reader Newman says he got a voicemail from a Cablevision guy that was in the hallway at his work, listening through his office door. He tells us this is the final straw and he’ll be getting FiOS… [More]