In yet another incident of a driver creating a drive-thru store where there used to be none, an SUV slammed into a CVS in New York, leveling a glass and brick wall and sending five people to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. [More]
DIY gone wrong

N.Y. Driver Charged With A Felony Learns There’s No Such Thing As A DIY License Plate
If you’re in a bind and don’t have valid registration for your vehicle, whipping out some cardboard and colored markers for a little DIY project is not the way to go, unless you want to end up with a felony charge on your hands. That’s the lesson police say one New York woman learned when she was caught driving with a license plate of her own creation. [More]

Man Finds Quickest Way To The Doghouse Is Demolishing Home Without Telling His Wife
Sometimes doing it yourself is just not the best way to go about things, especially when it involves taking a bulldozer to the family home without telling your significant other. A New York man is likely in a deep pile of excrement after his wife arrived home to find he’d destroyed the house, citing a “bad foundation.” [More]