Jack has been a customer of Time Warner Cable for a long time, what with the virtual monopoly in his town and all. He never really had any complaints until he was getting ready for his upcoming move. He dutifully called in a week and a half before the move, so his TV/Internet/phone package would be turned off at his current home, and installation set up at the new place. So, naturally, they turned off all three services at his current place the very next day. He complained, and they turned them back on. Then a Time Warner rep called up to “fix” the problem, flipping a switch to turn off all of the services. Again. [More]

Why Can't Macy's Reverse This Charge On Their Customer's Debit Card?
Amanda has been having a hard time getting Macy’s to reverse an incorrect charge on her credit card–a charge that was canceled less than five minutes after it was made last week. Her story includes almost all of the things that can go wrong with customer support, including random transfers, rude employees, and broken promises. If she’d just been made to hold for 45 minutes before one of the disconnections, she’d have collected the set! [More]

Verizon Loses The Broken Phone You Returned, Suspends Your Service
Luis dropped his busted LG EnV in the mail at the end of last year and tracked its progress as FedEx delivered the package to Verizon. Verizon, apparently unfamiliar with tracking numbers, doesn’t believe that Luis ever returned the phone, and insists that they’re owed a $320 replacement fee. Luis disputed the charge, but rather than investigate his claim, Verizon decided it would be easier to suspend his service. Now they want Luis—a customer of seven years who pays over $350 across six phone lines each month—to pay another $15 to reconnect the service they should never have disconnected in the first place. He writes:

Comcast Disconnected My Verizon, What Should I Do?
Here’s an odd situation: Reader Stephen says that Comcast (his old cable company) disconnected his new Verizon cable. He’s not sure what exactly he should do about it and would like your advice.

Time Warner Cable Responds To World Of Warcraft Disconnections
Jeff Simmermon, the Digital Communications Director for Time Warner Cable, has responded to the charges that TWC is responsible for the lags and disconnections plaguing East Coast World of Warcraft players. He took a look at the traceroutes posted on Blizzard’s user forums and sent the response.

Time Warner Cable: "Why Do You Feel Like You're Being Double Billed?"
Reader Dave is not having a good day. Time Warner Cable is being spectacularly unhelpful. First they changed the name of his company to his wife’s name. Then they double billed them. Then they sent a guy out to his house to physically disconnect his internet. Then another guy came to disconnect someone else’s cable and disconnected Dave’s instead. Finally, while he was trying to fix the double billing issue he got a TWC CSR that kept asking him why he “felt” like he was being double billed. What a mess!
Last week’s two-day Skype outage was due to millions of users across the globe restarting their computers after a Windows Security update. [Skype]
Comcast Responds To Disconnecting "Unlimited" Customer For "Excessive" Use
Comcast issued The Consumerist a statement regarding, “Comcast Customer Uses “Unlimited Service” Excessively, Gets Disconnected For A Year“: