The moment when an elderly relative of yours uses a word that is completely unacceptable in today’s society (and was back then as well) that elicits an automatic cringe is likely a familiar, uncomfortable thing we’ve all experienced. So for all those watching a cartoon cat and mouse chase each other, smack each other around and generally taunt each other in the 1940s and 1950s, Apple and Amazon want to warn viewers that Tom and Jerry might say some questionable things, just like your Great Uncle George used to. [More]

Amazon, Apple Include Disclaimer Warning Viewers Of “Ethnic And Racial Prejudices” In ‘Tom And Jerry’

Ecosense Brand Insecticide Not Eco-Friendly, Makes No Sense
Reader Dan came across Ortho’s Ecosense insecticide in the store, and noticed something strange. The name “Ecosense” implies some kind of crunchy environmental friendliness, does it not? Why, it’s even written in green right on the package. So why does the package also have the disclaimer, “not intended to imply environmental safety either alone or compared to other products”?

Read Disclaimer Before Taking GameStop Offer
Jeremiah is happy he double-checked a strange GameStop ad that lists games eligible for an offer that lets you trade two games in to get certain new releases for $20 or New Super Mario Bros. Wii for $10.