Was anything you own made with forced or child labor? It’s more likely than you think. Last week, the U.S. Department of Labor finally released a long-awaited report on the use of child labor or forced labor worldwide. The unsurprising result: Children and forced laborers work in agriculture, mining, and manufacturing worldwide.
department of labor

Labor Department Screwing Unemployed By Not Answering Phones
The waiting area of the New York Department of Labor Office is getting increasingly crowded. It’s not just the economy, more people are showing up because they can’t get anyone on the phone.

Macy's Confirms It Never Did Business With Queens Sweatshop
Last week, news broke that a sweatshop in Queens, NYC was producing clothing for several large U.S. retailers, while overworking its mainly Chinese immigrant employees and cheating them out of wages. At the time, Macy’s announced it was cooperating with New York’s Department of Labor and investigating the matter internally. Now the company has confirmed that it never did business with the sweatshop—in fact, it investigated it twice in 2007 while evaluating potential suppliers and rejected it for shoddy record keeping. Use your crazy Macy’s coupons all you want, readers.

Consumer Price Index: Hello, Ms. January
With feverish paws, we unsheathed the latest Consumer Price Index report (C.P.I.), released this morning, from its brown package. Flipping quickly to the middle our eyes roamed over Ms. January C.P.I.’s rising crests of .8%.

Consumer Price Index Gets Us Hot
It may be hard to sleep tonight, tomorrow the Feds release the Consumer Price Index (C.P.I.) at 8:30 am EST. We’ll post the results on The Consumerist but you can also hit refresh over here.