
American Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing Due To Engine Fire

American Airlines Flight Makes Emergency Landing Due To Engine Fire

A passenger on the flight, Lane Harris, told MSNBC that he credited the pilot for bringing the plane in as smoothly as possible, although the landing was rough.

Airlines Sacrifice All-Mighty Dollar To Combat Congestion

Airlines Sacrifice All-Mighty Dollar To Combat Congestion

Taking a lesson from this summer’s royal clusterfuck of delays, cancellations, and passengers stranded for hours on the tarmac, airlines have decided to tweak things a bit for the better. Here’s some of the proposed measures:

Fewer Delays On The Horizon

Fewer Delays On The Horizon

Several airlines are taking small steps to reduce the infuriating delays that have plagued carriers during their no-holds-barred fight to remain profitable. Airlines are still cramming their planes full of paying consumers, but they are hoping that building more ground time into schedules and changing the way flights are diverted will alleviate some complaints.

A Review Of A Non-PR Infected Virgin America Flight

A Review Of A Non-PR Infected Virgin America Flight

Jaunted decided to test the hype and fly Virgin America without the crack PR team. Result? 2 hour delay, no permanent terminal at JFK, but otherwise a pleasant flight.

20,000+ International Passengers Stranded In LAX

At one point, airlines were given clearance to get fuel and food, but many airlines didn’t take advantage of it, for whatever reason.

US Airways Cancels 530 Flights, Lets Passengers Sit On Tarmac 6 Hours With Overflowing Toilets, No Water

US Airways Cancels 530 Flights, Lets Passengers Sit On Tarmac 6 Hours With Overflowing Toilets, No Water

Burt Cole spent six hours on a plane on the tarmac to find out hours after that his flight was canceled. “On the runway for six hours, with only one engine going, so the air conditioner was only half working,” said Burt. “The toilet started overflowing. They were out of drinks on the airplane. This was U.S. Air. I hope they’re watching.”

US Airways Misplaces Two Teenagers

US Airways Misplaces Two Teenagers

When mom took the teens to the airport July 28, there was already trouble. Flight delays made the connection schedule tight.

Hey Dell, Where Are Those "Very Cool" Laptops Your Customers Ordered?

Hey Dell, Where Are Those "Very Cool" Laptops Your Customers Ordered?

They laptops were originally supposed to ship on June 26. According to Dell’s website, their current ship date is August 28. Dell’s customers are mad, mad, mad. They got no warning that their computers would take weeks and weeks to ship. We’re also getting reports that Dell is giving customers the run around when they try to cancel.

Today Show Interview With CEO of Southwest On The Crappy State Of Air Travel

The Today Show asks Gary “Sit Anywhere” Kelly, CEO of Southwest Airlines, to explain himself in the above clip.

Travel Tip: Avoid Northwest Airlines at End of Month

Travel Tip: Avoid Northwest Airlines at End of Month

Northwest Airlines canceled hundreds of flights — about 10% of its schedule — this past weekend because of a pilot shortage. This isn’t a new problem: It’s been happening consistently at the end of the month, like clockwork.

Think Babies Are Annoying When Your Flight Is Delayed? How About Drunk Nick Nolte?

Think Babies Are Annoying When Your Flight Is Delayed? How About Drunk Nick Nolte?

Nick Nolte’s flight was delayed at the Kauai airport, so he decided to roll around on the floor passing in and out of consciousness. At one point several of the other passengers had to help him put money in a vending machine.

Don't Fly Out Of JFK In The Afternoon

newVideoPlayer(“jfk_delays_gawker.flv”, 475, 376);The Today Show says that the overturing of a federal law limiting afternoon departures has lead to extreme flight delays and pileups at JFK in NY. Guess you wanna try and fly out of there in the morning or at night.

JetBlue: 2 1/2 Hour Flight Takes 25 Hours

JetBlue: 2 1/2 Hour Flight Takes 25 Hours

-hour flight from Fort Lauderdale to New York turned into a “25-hour odyssey” for 150 passengers.

Cathay Pacific Airlines Lets Passengers Sit For 7 Hours, Then Cancels Flight

Cathay Pacific Airlines Lets Passengers Sit For 7 Hours, Then Cancels Flight

“While still on board, our cabin crew worked to ensure the comfort of passengers providing snacks, beverage refreshments and a hot meal. Many passengers were asleep on board as we provided refreshments and updates on the delay,” the airline said in a written statement.

News Footage Of The United Airlines O'Hare Traffic Jam

Airplanes were still allowed to land at O’Hare even though there were no available jetways at the United terminal. Wow, this looks like fun! —MEGHANN MARCO

The 10 Worst Flights: Avoid These Regularly Scheduled Travel Nightmares

The 10 Worst Flights: Avoid These Regularly Scheduled Travel Nightmares

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, the following flights are the 10 worst flights in existence. They’re regularly scheduled and they are late 92-100% of the time. Avoid them like you avoid drug-resistant TB.

Airlines Build Delays Into Schedules

Airlines Build Delays Into Schedules

Why does it take 25 minutes longer to fly from New York to Los Angeles than it did 10 years ago? Did they move further apart? Nope. The airlines now build the delay into the flight schedule so its more likely that the flight will arrive “on time.”

Flying? Avoid New York And Its Huge Delays

Flying? Avoid New York And Its Huge Delays

“You sit on the runway all hours; the weather is fine, and there isn’t an unusual increase in the number of flights. Yet you sit and sit and sit,” he said.” An FAA spokesperson thinks Schumer is smoking some fine dope,

FAA spokesman Laura Brown acknowledged there have been more delays nationwide and in New York, but said increased flights, not a lack of flight controllers, were to blame.