One of the nation’s largest providers of automobile financing, Santander Bank, has agreed to pay $26 million to end a two-state investigation into the financial institution’s alleged violation of state consumer protection laws related to its auto loan underwriting practices. [More]

Delaware Decriminalizes Possession, Private Use Of Small Amounts Of Marijuana
Delaware is joining a slew of other states that are loosening up a bit on the private use of marijuana, with legislators in the Senate giving final approval to a measure that decriminalizes the possession and private use of up to an ounce of the drug. Gov. Jack Markell signed it into law almost immediately. [More]

Baseball Team Combines Krispy Kreme Doughnut, Hot Dog, Bacon & Jelly To Create Our Nightmare
Last year, San Diego County Fair vendor, Charlie’s Chicken, introduced the world to the triple cheeseburger on Krispy Kreme buns. While just looking at photos of the sandwich made our arteries cry for help, a minor league baseball team in Delaware is giving the restaurant a run for its money by taking consumers’ other favorite summer food, hot dogs, and creating the Krispy Kreme Donut Dog. [More]

Burglar Breaks Into Restaurant To Cook Himself Crab Cakes
Every master criminal has his or her weakness that lands them in jail. Some get caught because they feel compelled to clean out every diamond from a vault. Others can’t resist the temptation of going up a supposedly unbeatable security system. Then there’s the guy in Delaware who was caught robbing a restaurant because he stopped to cook up some crab cakes for himself. [More]

Breastfeeding Moms Say Mall Security Called Cops On Them
Delaware may be the home of tax-free shopping, but a trio of mothers say it’s not the home of hassle-free breastfeeding after their pro-nursing protest drew the attention of law enforcement. [More]

Delaware Might Be Super Tiny But It's Got The Fastest Internet, So There
Anyone pitying diminutive Delaware might want to think again — small though it may be, it’s got the fastest average Internet connection speeds in the entire United States of America. That’s what we call bragging rights, everyone. [More]

Comcast Tech Manages To Condemn House With His Truck
Usually when we write about a cable company tech doing damage to a property, it involves kicking holes in walls or other shoddy workmanship. But here’s the tale of a Comcast tech who managed to have an entire house declare unsafe, all with the help of his company truck. [More]

Delaware Woman Climbs Into Her Basketball Hoop To Protest State Ripping It Out
A woman climbed up and sat on top of the basketball hoop in front of her house in a faceoff with a bulldozer sent by the the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) to rip it out. The truck already had seven other hoops in the back but this one wasn’t going down without a fight, a confrontation caught on video by Delaware Online. [More]

Verizon Suspends Door-To-Door Marketing In Delaware Thanks To Masturbating Salesman
Yesterday, we told you about a outsourced door-to-door salesman who was soliciting for Verizon when he was caught masturbating while watching a woman work in her garden. He’s been charged with two counts of “lewdness, resisting arrest and criminal trespassing,” and now Verizon tells us that they’ve suspended all door-to-door marketing in Delaware until they’re done investigating the incident.

Door-To-Door Verizon Salesman Can't Keep His Pants Shut While On The Job
We’re not big fans of door-to-door marketing, and today we bring you another example of why we feel this way. According to the News-Journal, an employee of a marketing firm contracted by Verizon has been arrested and charged with two counts of “lewdness, resisting arrest and criminal trespassing,” after a man in a Verizon t-shirt was spotted “masturbating while watching a woman work in her garden.”