On July 1, interest rates on federal Stafford student loans are set to double from 3.4% to 6.8%, and lots of lawmakers in Washington seem to agree that the rates need to remain low, they can’t come an agreement on how to pay for it, meaning millions of students could be caught in the crossfire — and millions more could be added to the spreading ocean of student debt. [More]
defend your dollars

The Ins & Outs Of Getting And Using Your Free Credit Report
Regular readers of Consumerist know full well that those websites like FreeCreditReport.com and FreeScore.com (you’ll forgive us for not actually linking to them) are not exactly what their names might have you believe. But there are new consumers born every day, so it doesn’t hurt clarifying once again that there is only one place to score your credit reports with no strings attached. [More]

Get answers to your credit-card reform questions. We’d like to think we’ve already answered just about any question you may have about the new credit card reform law. But just in case, the experts at Consumers Union are on hand to cover anything we might have missed. Post your questions on their DefendYourDollars site, and they’ll do their best to provide an answer. [DefendYourDollars]