If you’re an iPhone 4 owner and haven’t scored your free bumper case, you’ve only got a couple weeks left to get one. Apple has announced that it is pulling the plug on the free bumper program at the end of September. [More]
death grip

Steve Jobs: All Smartphones Have The Same Problem, But Here’s A Free Case
Mr. Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple, has announced his solution to the iPhone 4 duct-tape-antenna-situation. Free case! Or a refund! [More]

How Would You Get Around iPhone 4's Death Grip Problem?
Yesterday, our more studious siblings at Consumer Reports made some headlines when they said they couldn’t recommend the iPhone 4 after lab tests confirmed reports that the device could lose its signal merely by being touched in one specific spot. As a quick-fix remedy, CR threw out the idea of using non-conductive tape like duct or electrical tape to cover the contact point. But we think there are some more creative ideas. [More]

Consumer Reports Finds iPhone Signal Loss In "Informal Tests"
In “informal tests” this weekend, Consumer Reports has been able to “reproduce the signal loss that’s at the heart of the controversy” over the iPhone 4. And, no, it wasn’t just an inaccurate bar display, as Apple recently claimed. “The drop had a significant effect on both call success and quality,” according to CR. [More]

Class Action Brewing For iPhone 4 "Death Grip" Issue?
Valleywag says the same firm that sued sued Facebook and Zynga over “scammy gaming ads” is looking to take the fight to Apple over its iPhone 4 antenna problems. [More]