If you’re like many other humans on this planet, winter’s shorter days may get you feeling a bit down from lack of sunlight. But some folks in the state are on a mission to reclaim one hour of daylight, with a campaign to get Massachusetts to leave the Eastern Time Zone. [More]
daylight savings time

Can My Job Only Pay Me For 8 Hours Instead Of 9 Because Of Daylight Saving Time?
A man says that he worked on Sunday, and, because of daylight saving time, his boss only wants to pay him for 8 hours instead of the 9 he worked. Is this legal? [More]

Remember To Set Your Clocks Ahead An Hour Tonight
Daylight Savings Time Begins Sunday at 2am, so remember to set your clocks an hour ahead or risk being late for whatever you do on Sunday besides read Consumerist. [More]

Standard Time Starts, Set Your Clocks Back An Hour
Daylight savings time ends today. It’s the “good” one, so you get to set your clocks back an hour and go back to sleep. If you’re reading this at eight, for instance, set your clock back to 7. Your cellphone, and if it’s set to automatically adjust for daylight savings changes, your computer most likely has already changed to adjust so if you’re confused just go off that. Today is also a good day to do this twice-yearly change of the batteries in your fire and smoke alarms, and change your windshield wipers. How do you plan on spending your extra hour?

Daylight Savings Can Save You Money
Congress will sneak into your bedroom tonight and steal a precious hour of sleep, but you don’t need to take the theft lying down. Get up tomorrow and use a few tips from Consumer Reports to steal back some hard-earned cash.

Rumor has it that the RIAA is plotting to steal from anyone who has ever illegally downloaded music a single hour of sleep early Sunday morning. Adjust your clocks accordingly.

Fix Your Clocks: End Of Daylight Savings Time Isn't Until November 4th
If your electronics mistakenly reset themselves standard time yesterday, you’d better fix them. Daylight Savings Time is set to end one week later than usual (on November 4th), due to a law change.

Cingular Notifies You About Daylight Savings Time… Today
Today, Cingular texted Kevin that he needed to update his phone for daylight savings time. Thanks for the heads up! — BEN POPKEN
Microsoft: Office Programmed Before Daylight Savings Law Changed, Appointments May Be Incorrect
For three weeks this March and April, Microsoft Corp. warns that users of its calendar programs ”should view any appointments… as suspect until they communicate with all meeting invitees.”
Preparing to Fall Back
Howdy kids! Fall Back Day is Sunday and this here is the very last Halloween that will fall after the end of Daylight Savings Time. Why? The Energy Policy Act of 2005, extends Daylight Savings Time by 4 weeks! The result? An estimated energy savings of 1% nationally.

Capitalist Teen Exploits Elderly On DST
An Indiana teenager is planning on ruthlessly exploiting the befuddlement of the elderly in order to rake in the bucks as his state switches over to Daylight Savings Time for the first time in three decades.