Remember the Chipotle restaurant in Dallas where customers captured video of mice falling from the ceiling and scurrying across the floor? That was a few weeks ago, and now the restaurant is temporarily closing so experts can evaluate the building. [More]

Hack Attack On Dallas Emergency System Sets Off Every Warning Siren In The City
The city of Dallas is apologizing to residents for a hack attack that set off 156 of the city’s emergency sirens late on Friday night, jolting folks awake and scaring the bejeezus out of people. [More]

Woman Says TSA Pat-Down Of Son Was “Horrifying”
Last month, the Transportation Security Administration unveiled a new, more “comprehensive” pat-down procedure, but a Texas woman says that the physical security check she requested for her special needs son crossed the line. [More]

Even $3 Million Isn’t Enough To Get Supermarkets In Dallas’s Food Deserts
In a desert, there’s not very much water to go around. In a food desert, the problem is groceries: reliable, affordable supermarkets with fresh, healthy, decent-quality offerings get farther apart and harder to find as you head into some regions. One Texas city has been trying to solve the problem for thousands of its residents by ooffering large amounts of cash to supermarket retailers, but even the lure of free millions has resulted in no takers. [More]

Re-Zombified Circuit City Opens Storefront On Amazon
Back in 2009, electronics shoppers turning to Amazon was one of the factors blamed for the demise of the retailer Circuit City. Now Circuit City, under its second post-bankruptcy owner, is beginning a retail comeback by opening a retail storefront on Amazon. They’re starting out by going where the customers already are. [More]

Google Fiber Might Take Broadband Battle To AT&T’s Home Turf
While Google Fiber is going up against AT&T in a number of markets — including Kansas City, Austin, and Atlanta — it has yet to venture into the Death Star’s home turf of Dallas. However, this morning Google announced that Dallas has been added to the list of possible Fiber markets. [More]

Virgin America Passenger Says He Was Blocked From Flight Because Crew Didn’t “Feel Comfortable”
We’ve all heard stories of airline passengers being removed from planes because of apparently minor disputes with the flight crew, but a Dallas man says he wasn’t even allowed to board his Virgin America flight because he made the crew uncomfortable. [More]

Watch An Amazon Fulfillment Center In Action
Amazon recently announced that it will open a new fulfillment center in Dallas, which will employ 1,000 more people. To give the public an idea of what these jobs will be like, the Dallas Morning News sent a reporter, a photographer, and a videographer over to an existing center in the area to watch humans and robots work together in perfect harmony to get a pack of socks to you in 2 days. [More]

Uber Admits It Failed To Follow Procedure In Hire Of Driver Accused Of Rape
Last week, it came out that an Uber driver in Dallas had used a bogus, expired city permit when he applied for a job with the ridesharing service. Now, Uber is finally explaining how it failed to catch this red flag during the vetting process. [More]

Uber Driver Accused Of Rape Used Phony Permit To Drive
Uber is once again under fire for its system of vetting drivers after the city of Dallas claims that an Uber driver accused of raping a passenger was operating on a bogus permit and should never have made it through the company’s screening process. [More]

Man Arrested After Making It Through Security, Boarding Plane Without Ticket
The Transportation Security Administration is investigating a disruption – that included a visit from the local bomb squad – at Dallas Fort-Worth International Airport Sunday night after authorities say a man boarded a flight without a ticket. [More]

Walmart Shoplifter Threatens To Infect Employee With HIV
A wannabe shoplifter at a Dallas Walmart somehow thought it would be a good idea to threaten a store employee with HIV infection rather than get in trouble for trying to pilfer $11 worth of frozen food from the retailer. [More]

Thought Of Comcast Merger Scares AT&T Into Expanding Gigabit Fiber Service
Dallas is AT&T’s home turf. It’s cable market is also dominated by Time Warner Cable. But the thought of that cable/Internet business being swallowed up by Comcast if its merger with TWC goes through was apparently enough to get AT&T to decide to roll out gigabit fiber service to the Texas town. [More]

Dallas Cowboys’ Dez Bryant Plays Santa, Buys PS4s For Local Walmart Shoppers
Last night, folks around the country lined up to get their hands on the new Sony PS4 gaming console when it was released at midnight. Among them was Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Dez Bryant, who got into the holiday spirit a bit early by footing the bill for several other shoppers’ consoles. [More]

Mayors Beg DOJ To Pretty Please Let US Airways/American Airlines Merger Happen
While US Airways and American Airlines have had to indefinitely postpone their nuptials because the Justice Dept. decided the union might result in problems for consumers and the airline industry, the mayors of those cities that would be most positively affected by the merger are now pleading with Attorney General Eric Holder to see that these two companies obviously love each other and should be allowed to be together. [More]

Verizon FiOS Tries To Win Over Blacked-Out CBS Employees
Millions of Time Warner Cable customers have now gone more than two weeks without knowing which attention-starved individuals got kicked out of the Big Brother house or if the people of Chester’s Mill ever got out from under the dome (Spoiler: Maybe). Many employees of CBS have been unable to watch the shows they air if they have TWC as their cable provider (which in NYC, Dallas, and L.A. is highly likely), so Verizon is trying to reach out to them and lure them over to FiOS. [More]

Aereo Announces Launch Dates For Service In Miami, Houston, Dallas
Even while it’s being sued by all the major broadcast networks, video-streaming service Aereo continues to expand into new markets with the announcement today of launch dates for customers in the Miami, Houston, and Dallas/Ft. Worth areas. [More]

Cowboys Stadium Is Now AT&T Stadium
As a Philadelphia Eagles fan, it would be very easy for me to say that football’s Emperor Palpatine finally has his Death Star, but I would never stoop so low as to make a joke like that. Rather, I’ll just straight out tell you that after four seasons, Cowboys Stadium now has a corporate name with today’s announcement that Tony Romo will soon be throwing clutch interceptions at the newly renamed AT&T Stadium. [More]