Don’t know about you but I finished 90% of my holiday shopping this weekend, and all from the comfort of my couch. [More]
cyber monday

90 Percent Of E-tailers Will Participate In Cyber Monday
Just as gamblers use Monday Night Football to make up for their brutal disappointments throughout the weekend, shoppers who fall short during Black Friday mayhem turn to online shopping on Cyber Monday to snatch up the supposed best deals available. [More]

Customer Makes 2-Hour Best Buy Trek For Vanishing Netbook
Valente’s plan was simple enough: Purchase a netbook from Best Buy during Cyber Monday sale. Order it from Best Buy’s web site for in-store pickup so he could be sure to have it in hand. Bring netbook home and hide it from his son until Christmas. Unfortunately, he tells Consumerist, the transaction didn’t work out according to his plan, he drove to another Best Buy two hours away that claimed to have a netbook on hold for him. A netbook that did not, as it turned out, exist. [More]

Watch Out For Cyber Monday Non-Deals
Just as Black Friday has its sleazy underside meant to make you pay more than you should to buy stuff you don’t need, so does Cyber Monday. [More]

Busting Myths About Black Friday And Cyber Monday
Black Friday isn’t really the top holiday shopping day of the season–the last Saturday before Christmas is. Today, we have Cyber Monday, when turkey-bloated office workers purportedly return to work and spend the day looking for deals online. But is Cyber Monday really the biggest online shopping day of the year? Well, no. Focus put some numbers together to clear up misconceptions about Americans’ online holiday shopping patterns. [More]

101 Stores To Shop Today And Monday
Several readers sent us this link to ITEYA’s exhaustive rankings of the top 101 Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales. [More]

Newegg Honors Canceled PayPal Promotion Transactions
A couple of weeks ago, several online retailers ran a poorly managed PayPal promotion that offered sizable discounts. For Newegg, the three-day sale instead lasted less than a day, at which point Newegg was yanked from the participating retailers list on PayPal’s promotions page. But Newegg is going back and making good on orders that were in process when the deal was pulled, according to a reader who forwarded us Newegg’s email.
“Cyber Monday” spending rose 21% from last year. 61% of those purchases were made using computers at the office. [NYT]

Cyber Monday Isn't The Busiest Shopping Day For Online Retailers
ABC News informs us once again that so-called “Cyber Monday” (today) is a creation of the National Retail Federation, and is “by no means the busiest day for online sales, just as Black Friday is not the biggest day of sales for most stores.”
What Cyber Monday Shoppers Bought
Thanks to media hype and participation by major retailers, yesterday’s Cyber Monday resulted in record traffic and sales.

Guide To Cyber Monday Sales
Recently we reported that so-called “Cyber Monday” might be a mere marketing myth invented by the National Retail Federation.

Black Friday Not So Black
Contrary to popular belief, Black Friday may not be the busiest shopping day of the year, according to a study released Monday by Mastercard.
Cyber Monday: Not Our Funday
Business Week’s Bob D. Hof has a brilliant dissection of the ‘Cyber Monday’ campaign, the much-touted farce designed by to spur you to purchase lots of holiday crap. member Shmuel Gniwisch, chief executive of the online jewelry site, recalls getting an e-mail from last year, suggesting that online retailers come up with their own marketing hook to match Black Friday. “The online guys got together and said, ‘Let’s give people something different,'” he says. “The reality is, we didn’t notice anything special” on the Monday after Thanksgiving.
We’ve personally gotten dozens of calls about ‘Cyber Monday’ over the last week, mostly from confused print and television editors questioning why they hadn’t heard of this massive online retail fiesta. The reason is pretty clear, as Hof explains: for most major online retailers, ‘Cyber Monday’ isn’t the biggest shopping day of the year.