For the second year in a row, AT&T’s wireless service finds itself at the bottom of the ratings in a customer satisfaction survey done by our cohorts at Consumer Reports. [More]
customer dissatisfaction

5 Pay TV Companies Make 19 Most Hated Company List
5 of the 19 companies getting the lowest scores on the American Customer Satisfaction Index are pay TV providers. In 3rd, it’s Time Warner, 4th, Comcast, 5th, Charter, 17th, Cox, and 18th, Dish. Hmm, why might that be? [More]

AT&T, Comcast Rank Last In Customer Satisfaction Surveys
The folks at the American Customer Satisfaction Index have released their annual report on the various elements of the information sector. And it probably won’t come as a surprise to Consumerist readers that AT&T’s wireless division and Comcast each brought up the rear in their respective fields. [More]

Survey Indicates We All Distrust Big Banks
This may come as a surprise to exactly no one, but it looks like most customers of big national banks are less likely to believe their banks are trustworthy, according to a new Forrester poll. Even less surprising: the same poll is done every year, and it’s always the same big banks at the bottom of the list. A Forrester VP explains, “They are public institutions who are in business to make money for their shareholder and inevitably, that shows to customers.” [More]