Traveling with a pet is one thing — but when you manage to pack 94 reptiles into a suitcase and fly with them from Mexico to Europe, officials are not going to be pleased. Authorities in Germany say a traveler recently tried to go through the airport with quite a stash of turtles, vipers and other lizards he definitely should not have had in his luggage. [More]
cramped quarters

Burglary Suspect Gets Stuck In Arby’s Ventilation Shaft For 10 Hours (Without Any Sandwiches)
In another reminder of how real life is not like a movie, police in South Carolina say a man trying to sneak into an Arby’s restaurant in the middle of the night through the roof instead found himself stuck inside a ventilation shaft for up to 10 hours… with nary a roast beef sandwich to keep him company. [More]

Men Claim Those Are Not Slender Lorises In Their Pants, They're Just Happy To See Airport Security
It must be tricky to be a loris. On one hand, you’re an impossibly cute primate. On the other, people might want to put you down their pants to smuggle you through the airport. Three men were arrested at Indira Ghandi International Airport in Delhi, India for trying to sneak slender lorises from Bangkok to Dubai. Two of the men had the little guys concealed in pouches in their underwear. [More]