Retail behemoth Walmart says it will soon be selling a new variety of genetically modified sweet corn developed by seed megacorp/frequent litigator Monsanto. This is the same corn that other big names like Whole Foods and General Mills have already said thanks but no thanks to. [More]

Why Is Big Corn Continuing To Run ‘Corn Sugar’ Ads Even After FDA Denial
UPDATE: The Corn Refiners Association has issued a statement to Consumerist. It has been added to the bottom of the post. [More]

Big Corn Still Believes We Are All So Very Confused About HFCS
Yesterday, the FDA concluded its 20-month review of a petition by the Corn Refiners Association to change the name of high fructose corn syrup to “corn sugar,” with a pretty solid “no.” Not surprisingly, the CRA says regulators have done you, the American consumer, a disservice by denying the petition. [More]

Corn-Based Sweeteners To Soar 30% In Price Next Year
Oh Cargill, when you aren’t recalling millions of pounds of tainted turkey meat, you’re giving your customers bad news about the rising price of corn sweeteners. [More]

Big Sugar Sues Big Corn Over "Corn Sugar" Ad Campaign For HFCS
Last year, the Corn Refiners Association began a campaign to rebrand controversial sweetener high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as “corn sugar.” Well that has managed to rankle the folks behind non-corn sugar, who say it is false advertising and have now taken their complaint to a U.S. District Court. [More]

Theater Owners Don't Want You To Know A Large Popcorn Is Like Eating 3 Big Macs
The FDA is reportedly set to announce a decision that would force movie theater operators to post calorie counts next to their items in the same way that restaurant chains must. Not surprisingly, the theater owners are popping mad about this possibility. [More]