
Reminder: We Want to Hear You Kvetch

Keep those consumer complaints rolling in, folks. We read each one, trying to determine if you’ve got a real beef (and you almost always do), and do our best to get the word out.

Welcome to the Consumerist

Welcome, internet, to The Consumerist, the latest title from Gawker Media. The Consumerist loves to shop, and is reconciled to utilities, but hates paying for shoddy products, inhumane customer support, and half-assed service.

Consumerist RSS Feeds

A few of you have asked if we have RSS feeds. We do, both in flavorful, ad-supported, full content and ad-free, partial content varieties. If you’d like to join Gawker Media in welcoming the mid-’90s hottest trend in reader response, you may also subscribe our our comments only feed.

The Consumerist Shops: Zalman Reserator 1

This water cooling tower was purchased to keep our loud, home-built PC from echoing off concrete walls. To that end, the Zalman Reserator 1 worked well. Unfortunately, it soon (two-three weeks) acquired a buzz all its own, likely due to a faulty impeller blade in the aquarium pump that circulates water through the entire system.