consumerist kit
Cingular Denies Contract Termination Without Penalty Request Based On Supposed Difference Between The Words "Revised" And "Modified"
William tried without success to cancel his Cingular contract without early termination fee based on the info in “Script For Escaping Cingular Contracts Without Fee, Based On New Arbitration Clause.”

Reach Bloomingdale's Executive Customer Service
If you’re unable to resolve your Bloomingdale’s issue by going through regular customer service, try this executive customer service info.

Best Buy Drugs
- The project aims to improve access to needed medicines for tens of millions of Americans–because they lack insurance coverage for prescription drugs, because the prices of many medicines today are so high, and because many consumers and physicians may not be aware of proven and affordable alternatives.
Doctors can be influenced by marketing from Big Pharma, so arm yourself with knowledge about alternatives. There may be a generic drug that works better and is safer and cheaper than the next new thing. Vioxx anyone? —MEGHANN MARCO
In Case Of Death, Use Bereavement Fares
Death can strike without warning, making it hard to get a good deal on an airline ticket for the funeral. When this happens, ask your airline about a special “bereavement fare.”
Everything You Wanted To Know About Canceling Verizon But Were Afraid To Ask
Hey there. It’s us, your friendly Consumer blog. We know you’d like to cancel your Verizon contract, but it can be a little intimidating… particularly because Verizon doesn’t want to honor the terms of your contract, and you may be afraid of them. That’s sad, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Come with us now as we take a journey to month-to-month bliss. Remember, a contract goes two-ways, regardless of what some companies may think.

Yahoo’s New Personal Finance Site
Yahoo launched a new personal finance today site to help you manage your money.

Open A Roth IRA Now
Blueprint For Financial Prosperity highly advises you open a Roth IRA right now if you don’t got one, sucka.
Best Buy Bends After Screwing Blogger
Jorge spends over $2000 for a new JVC TV from Best Buy, based on an ad which said the price included a stand. TV arrives, no stand. Jorge goes to his Best Buy in Denver, Co, asks for it, and the assistant manager refuses to honor the ad.

Get Refunds with Price Protectr
Lifehacker points the way to Price Protectr, a website that “monitors popular online stores for price drops on items you’ve purchased, then notifies you if the price drops at any time during that store’s price protection period.”
Cancel Verizon Without A Fee Even If You Have A Txt Msg Plan
- Effective March 1, 2007, the price for receiving TXT messages from customers of foreign wireless carriers will increase from $0.10 to $0.15 per message.
28 Tips For Winning Customer Service Phone Battles
Here’s 28 tips to help you land a coup de grace when crossing swords with a customer service rep over the phone, glossed from The Red Tape Chronicles.
Reach Sony Ericsson Executive Customer Service
Want to bypass Sony Ericsson grunt level support? An anonymous SE rep reached out to us and provided the following:
Lazy Winter Energy Saving Tips
You could install aerators, ask your utility company to lock in a year round rate, or replace your furnace filters every month, but that could take a lot of work.