consumerist kit

Sending Broken Stuff Back Really Works

A few weeks ago we posted about how instead of throwing out broken gear, try mailing it back to the manufacturer with a nice note, and they may just very well send you a new one.

Intro To Finding A Good Bank

Intro To Finding A Good Bank

If you’re thinking of opening a new bank account and you don’t want to get screwed over on fees and service like last time, here are some important questions to ask the bank before signing up.

Questions To Ask Energy Resellers

Questions To Ask Energy Resellers

Many states offer a choice of energy suppliers. Some of these energy resellers actually can offer savings, but before you sign, be sure to ask a few questions, especially if they come to your door.

HOWTO: Report Dangerous Products

HOWTO: Report Dangerous Products

Strangling crib slats, exploding chairs, and that whole various easily swallowed pieces crowd… why should everyone else get all the fun?

What To Do When Your Identity Is Stolen

What To Do When Your Identity Is Stolen

We noticed a strange item on our credit report yesterday, a credit card we had no idea about *.

Consumerist Kit: How To Make (Nearly) Free International Phone Calls

Have you ever wished you could prank call a stinking Euro for free? Maybe I — John Brownlee, for those of you who think my name is ‘Ben’ or, even worse, “and Company” — wrote something that really stuck in your craw and, perhaps, a phone call made from the flatulent hollow of your butt seemed in order. But, on the other hand, why waste money on a punk like me?

Intro to Credit Scores And How They Secretly Control You

The info doesn’t really start until 2:00. Ignore the local morning news malarkey. If you find their hijinks hard to stomach, try this two minute bit by Bob Walters of Quicken Loans.

Your Rights: Telemarketing

Your Rights: Telemarketing

You might be distracted by their pointed horns and forked tail, but don’t forget you have rights when telemarketers call. If those rights are trampled by their cloven feet, you have recourse.

Top 10 Ways To Save On Gadgets

Top 10 Ways To Save On Gadgets

The best to save money on tech gear is to not buy any. If you can’t resist the temptation, at least temper your wallet with these 10 tips.

Register Complaints With The Better Business Bureau

Register Complaints With The Better Business Bureau

Another great way to establish a public record of a company’s customer service negligence is to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau.

Compare Rents In Your Area With Rentometer

Compare Rents In Your Area With Rentometer

Easily File FTC Complaints

Easily File FTC Complaints

Registering an official gripe against a company need not involve a trip to the post office. The Federal Trade Commission has an online form you can use, too.

Kit: Protect Your PC From Viruses for Cheap

And there you go: that’s how easy it is to completely brick your newly bought PC. Luckily, it’s just as easy to prevent that from happening. So here’s one for the Consumerist Kit: how to protect your computer from viral scumbags without paying a dime. This is only valid for Windows users, the suckers.

Alton Brown Saves Us Money With Proper Knife Care

The Food Network’s Alton Brown explains proper knife knife care, and how to get the most bang out of your cutlery chums. The video also features some *very* dynamic camera blocking.

Get Pro Consumer Complaint Mediation

Get Pro Consumer Complaint Mediation

Cut $20 Off Your Cable Bill

Cut $20 Off Your Cable Bill

Sometimes the obvious solutions are hardest to see. This gal felt her monthly $132.07 Comcast cable/internet bill was too high. So she called them and said she wanted to cancel because of the price.

HOWTO: Find A Consumer Lawyer

To save money, Justin got his dad to switch from Verizon to Vonage and port his business number over. Three weeks later, after running back and forth between the two companies, calling the number results in a “sorry, your call did not go through” message. Needless to say, this had quite an adverse effect on Pops’ business.

Did You Pack Your Consumerist Kit?

Did You Pack Your Consumerist Kit?

Slowly but surely, we gathered the posts that save you time and money into a pocket-sized case. Never needing a restock, the Consumerist Kit constantly fills itself back up again with info, links and gambits to bolster your consumer savvy. Items like: