consumer reports

Consumer Sentiment Index Hits 20-Month Low

Consumer Sentiment Index Hits 20-Month Low

Our corporate cousins at Consumer Reports have released their monthly index of overall consumer sentiment, and it looks like all the worrying about the debt ceiling has caused the sharpest month-to-month drop in the index in two years and the lowest result since December 2009. [More]

Consumer Reports Can't Recommend Redesigned Honda Civic

Consumer Reports Can't Recommend Redesigned Honda Civic LX

The Honda Civic LX has historically done well when tested by our cohorts at Consumer Reports, often coming out among the highest rated small sedans. It’s also been listed as one of the magazine’s Top Picks in five of the last 10 years. But following a highly anticipated redesign, the latest Civic LX now scores so low that Consumer Reports can no longer recommend it. [More]

Saved Money On Electronics By Haggling? Consumer Reports Wants To Talk To You

Saved Money On Electronics By Haggling? Consumer Reports Wants To Talk To You

Surveys done by our corporate cohorts at Consumer Reports have found that around 50% of people who make an attempt at haggling end up getting some kind of a deal, even when shopping online. Now the editors at CR want to hear tales of successful haggling from consumers who’ve been able to bargain down the price at electronics retailers. [More]

6 Ways To Tame The Costs Of Having A Pet

6 Ways To Tame The Costs Of Having A Pet

As nice as it is to have a furry, feathered or fishy companion around the house, between food, medicine, the vet and other expenses, it can sometimes add up to a lot of red ink in your checkbook. [More]

Today Only: Get 24 Hours Of Free Access To Consumer Reports

Today Only: Get 24 Hours Of Free Access To Consumer Reports

If you’ve ever wanted to check out the all the product ratings published online by our smarter siblings at Consumer Reports but were hesitant to subscribe, you might want to keep reading. [More]

Nook Beats Kindle In Consumer Reports Ratings

Nook Beats Kindle In Consumer Reports Ratings

For the first time ever, a Nook has beaten the Kindle in the Consumer Reports ratings. [More]

Survey: Two Out Of Three Consumers Have Walked Out Or Hung Up Without Being Helped

Survey: Two Out Of Three Consumers Have Walked Out Or Hung Up Without Being Helped

We’ve all been there: Waiting in line — or on the phone line — just to speak to someone about your customer service issue. And if you ever do get to speak to a CSR, the service is lacking. But how many of us actually throw our hands up and walk out of the store or slam the phone down in frustration? [More]

Show Off Your Customer Relations Skills By Working For Consumer Reports

Show Off Your Customer Relations Skills By Working For Consumer Reports

After all the stories you’ve read on Consumerist about god-awful customer service, you probably have a pretty good idea of what excellent service would be. But do you have what it takes to deliver it? If so, our lab coat-loving overlords at Consumer Reports have two openings in the Customer Relations department. [More]

AT&T, Consumer Advocates Spar Over T-Mobile Deal In DC

AT&T, Consumer Advocates Spar Over T-Mobile Deal In DC

In a Congressional hearing this morning over AT&T’s proposed acquisition of T-Mobile, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson reiterated his earlier comments that the deal is “all about consumers.” However, advocates such as Parul P. Desai of Consumers Union argued that the merger “would result in a highly concentrated market, which will likely lead to higher prices and fewer choices for consumers.” [More]

FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz On Oreck's "Flu Reducing" Vacuum And Other Bad Ads

FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz On Oreck's "Flu Reducing" Vacuum And Other Bad Ads

The FTC is in charge of keeping an eye on spurious claims from TV product ads — so ABC News sat down with FTC Chairman and friend-of-the-blog Jon Leibowtiz to discuss what manufacturers are, and are not, allowed to claim in their ads, as well as the hurdles the FTC faces in enforcing truth-in-advertising rules. Case in point, Oreck recently settled with the FTC over a vacuum that claimed to prevent the flu. [More]

Trader Joe's, Grey Poupon Top Consumer Reports' Dijon Mustard Ratings

Trader Joe's, Grey Poupon Top Consumer Reports' Dijon Mustard Ratings

The trained tasters over at Consumer Reports have turned their tongues to mustards — both yellow and Dijon — and found that, while Grey Poupon’s snob appeal may have some justification, its low-cost rival from Trader Joe’s is just as good. [More]

Do Not Invest In "Collectible" Money

Do Not Invest In "Collectible" Money

What’s the value of a $2 bill that’s been sprayed with gold leaf? Two dollars — maybe less, if merchants don’t want to accept the corrupted currency. But that hasn’t stopped vendors from selling these and other “collectible” bills and coins at prices way above face value. [More]

Target's Belle Sippy Cup May Not Be Suitable For Its Target Customer

Target's Belle Sippy Cup May Not Be Suitable For Its Target Customer

A reader sent this photo to our friends at Consumer Reports, with the comment:”How on earth did the design slip through several steps of quality control without anybody noticing how anatomically incorrect the figure is?” Indeed. This clearly should have been a “Beast” sippy cup. [More]

Looks Like The White iPhone Isn't Any Thicker Than The Black One

Looks Like The White iPhone Isn't Any Thicker Than The Black One

Since the white version of the Apple iPhone hit stores last week, the internet has been replete with stories that it is slightly thicker than its black predecessor. Since our test-happy cousins at Consumer Reports have equipment to measure the thicknesses, they decided to do so. [More]

Always Wanted To Be A Mystery Shopper? Consumer Reports Needs You

Always Wanted To Be A Mystery Shopper? Consumer Reports Needs You

UPDATE: The application period is now closed. Thank you for the wonderful responses! We’re going through the applications now! [More]

Survey: T-Mobile Not Only Cheaper Than AT&T, But It Also Sucks Less

Survey: T-Mobile Not Only Cheaper Than AT&T, But It Also Sucks Less

Last week we showed you how T-Mobile gives customers a significantly better bang for their buck than AT&T. But it’s apparently not just pricing at which the smaller cellphone company bests its suitor. According to a recent survey done by our publishing kin at Consumer Reports, T-Mobile customers are not as displeased as AT&T subscribers are with their service provider. [More]

Analysis: T-Mobile Gives You More For Your Dollar Than AT&T

Analysis: T-Mobile Gives You More For Your Dollar Than AT&T

As AT&T prepares to head into the regulatory review of its pending purchase of T-Mobile USA, the telecom giant’s CEO has stated, however noncommittally, that existing T-Mobile customers should not see their rates go up. And according to a comparison done by our number-crunching cousins at Consumer Reports, many of those T-Mobile customers will be saving between $15 to $50 per month for similar service. [More]

Shocker: Cheap Liquid Dish Soap Cleans Just As Well As The Pricey Stuff

Shocker: Cheap Liquid Dish Soap Cleans Just As Well As The Pricey Stuff

Looks like that whole “you get what you pay for” thing doesn’t exactly apply to liquid dish soap. According to our siblings at Consumer Reports, there are plenty of dirt-cheap dish liquids that do the same job as the stuff with the fancy name and label. [More]