Classic gamers who missed out on scoring one of Nintendo’s mini-Classic console systems before the company discontinued the limited-time product last year will have another chance to score a mini-video system later this year, if they like Super Nintendo, that is. [More]

Nintendo Might Be Following Up NES Classic With Mini SNES
Nostalgia lovers who missed out on scoring one of Nintendo’s mini-Classic console systems before the company discontinued the product last week, could have another chance to walk down memory lane: The gaming company is reportedly planning to follow up on that system’s popularity with a miniature Super Nintendo version. Though, if the report is true, you’ll have to wait until the holidays. [More]

Microsoft To Stop Production Of Xbox 360
Last fall, Microsoft issued a software update on the Xbox One’s second birthday that included backward compatibility that allows owners to play some of their old Xbox 360 games on the newer console. With that feature firmly in place, Microsoft announced Wednesday that it will say goodbye to the 10-year-old console. [More]