Unilever has apparently noticed that some young women are more concerned about what ingredients aren’t in their beauty products and sneer at the items sold in drug stores and big-box stores. It has responded with a campaign where it tricks a diverse cast of online “beauty influencers” into trying a new product with sleek packaging for two weeks. That product? Rebottled Suave. [More]

Pantene Changes Anti-Frizz Rhetoric, Removes 1.7 Ounces From Conditioner Bottle
Jeremy picked up a bottle of Pantene conditioner during his recent trip to Walmart. They made some changes to the bottle and to the company’s promises about what their product does. The redesign also included trimming the bottle size just a tiny bit. [More]

Tresemme Color Thrive Conditioner And The Really Bad Hair Day
I have a beautiful head of hair. Every morning, I wake up and, Marcia Brady like, comb out the gossamer locks. “One! Two! Three!” I chant, up until a million or I pass out. Then, I break open some eggs, carefully separate the yolk and then apply the white to each glistening strand with a fine paint brush. It’s a pain, but it’s worth it.