What would going for 17 days without power be worth to you? The inconvenience of living without electricity for weeks after his neighbors had power restored has prompted a Staten Island man to sue Con Edison for $500 million, as well as ask the state to ban the company from operating in New York. In other words, he wants it to be lights out for Con Ed, too. [More]
con edison

Don’t Get Bilked By IDT Energy
We’ve been getting a slew of complaints recently about consumers bilked by IDT Energy into signing up for vastly inflated new electricity contracts. Worse yet, IDT will often claim to be agents of your real energy provider.

Con Ed: Now With Twice The Bill!
Consolidated Edison — so charmingly short-handed to Con Ed by the consumers they’ve gouged — has a delightful new savings plan for customers now available: by merely paying twice as much as you’re currently paying, you can secure yourself the same amount of power you were getting before at a “fixed rate”… but with an unfixed “supply cost.”